[-] MassKirbycide@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

Sweet. It already looked like a breath of fresh air after the NSMB rehashes, but if it’s getting it’s own direct, Nintendo must have really put a lot of love into this one. Can’t wait!

[-] MassKirbycide@lemmy.world 12 points 1 year ago

Definitely fell down a staircase

[-] MassKirbycide@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Whirlwind is rough without either the Bold Chieftan’s aspect or the Marshal Glyph’s secondary effect. Both is obviously preferred, but at least one is almost essential to make the build function in higher tiers. I waited to even attempt switching over to WW until I had enough paragon levels for a fully-powered Marshal Glyph, and it helped a lot.

[-] MassKirbycide@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

Whirlwind build definitely isn’t particularly good for leveling, unfortunately. To be most effective, you really need access to the paragon board + a few pieces of gear/aspects. I’m following this guide, so you can keep a look out at least:


[-] MassKirbycide@lemmy.world 5 points 1 year ago

I switched to spin2win after level 50 and never looked back. I know it isn’t as strong has HotA builds in the long run, but it’s just so satisfying when you get your cooldowns reduced enough to tear through packs. Currently lvl 72 and having a blast slowly working my way up the nightmare dungeon ladder (most recently ran a 30).

[-] MassKirbycide@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

In general, yes; however, that leg up in most of our sports leagues is through player drafts. Since most good players in soccer don’t go through US college athletics, that usual leg up doesn’t mean nearly as much.

And yeah, you’re right on the money on the teams vs leagues thing; the leagues in most US sports tend to wield quite a bit of power over franchises, and negotiate labor contracts directly with player unions. MLS is a wonky outlier in many ways (largely because America doesn’t have a near-monopoly on top talent like it does in some other sports), but the league itself is definitely seen as a priority over any one club.

[-] MassKirbycide@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

That was me for most of my playtime so far, and then BOOM! Two nightmare dungeons in a row he showed up and wrecked my shit before I could even get going.

[-] MassKirbycide@lemmy.world 32 points 1 year ago

Head for The Continental Hotel and hope the rules hold up.

[-] MassKirbycide@lemmy.world 6 points 1 year ago

Whirlwind Barb has been fun (trying to maximize spin uptime while unloading tons of damage), but optimizing it and maximizing the fun is way too dependent on a ring drop that I have yet to find (Bold Chieftan).


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