[-] MrAlternateTape@lemm.ee 15 points 2 months ago

You guys have time for other things? I do my job and can fill my day with that. I sometimes have to stand my ground to make other people understand that no, I cannot do this additional tasks everyday, I don't have the time for that.

95% of the time it is busy. The other 5% I use to catch up with the stuff I have no time for when it is busy.

[-] MrAlternateTape@lemm.ee 9 points 3 months ago

This is cool. I struggled with exactly the problem as described. Installed the NVIDIA driver and it would not load, without telling me why. Somebody on Lemmy pointed out that you need to disable Secure boot.

It's nice to know they are working on a solution, just a pity it's so difficult. But they are trying very hard to make it workable.

[-] MrAlternateTape@lemm.ee 12 points 3 months ago

I have no clue why any anybody thought I would pay more for hardware if it goes with some stupid trend that will be blow up in our faces soon or later.

I don't get they AI hype, I see a lot of companies very excited, but I don't believe it can deliver even 30% of what people seem to think.

So no, definitely not paying extra. If I can, I will buy stuff without AI bullshit. And if I cannot, I will simply not upgrade for a couple of years since my current hardware is fine.

In a couple of years either the bubble is going to burst, or they really have put in the work to make AI do the things they claim it will.

[-] MrAlternateTape@lemm.ee 10 points 4 months ago

First I was like wow, then I started to count how many zero's there came afterwards. Ouch that hurts.

[-] MrAlternateTape@lemm.ee 8 points 6 months ago

I'm in this picture and I don't like it...

[-] MrAlternateTape@lemm.ee 12 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

There's so many distro's to choose from that can all be productive.

If the question is this short, my answer is too: Go try at least 10 and then come back to tell us what you liked and what not.

Without any further information it's like going into a forest and asking people to point out a tree. Unless you look for some specific tree all will do...

Edit: Fat fingers

[-] MrAlternateTape@lemm.ee 14 points 10 months ago

Just wait. In 10 years 32 gig is on the low side to just run the OS. Hardware getest faster and bigger, but software scales with it.

The more resources are available, the more people will program computers to use them.

My first graphics card had 128mb memory. These days it goes in gigabyte and they use the memory and processing power to produce amazing things.

On the other hand, they also are not as critical on efficiëncy as used to be, because there are simply more resources available anyway. As a consequence, some programs use a silly amount of resources for basically doing nothing. Sometimes I really feel like my browser is eating RAM.....

[-] MrAlternateTape@lemm.ee 9 points 10 months ago

You're not supposed to see this, get me medical help.

[-] MrAlternateTape@lemm.ee 8 points 10 months ago

As far as I know, other distributions just don't show these errors, but Ubuntu choose to show them.

Most of them are just due too a BIOS implementation that is not entirely up to standards, from what I understand. It seems some manufacturers have chosen to make their system easier to use with Windows instead of strictly enforcing standards.

I just ignore the errors. As long as everything works properly, I feel fine with that.

[-] MrAlternateTape@lemm.ee 10 points 11 months ago

The only departement you don't really need, except your competitors have one, so now you need one too.

And the problem for me is not with a simple ad for the local grocery store. It's when they made a science out of influencing people and targeting specific groups and working on your subconscious.

I would like to think that I'm not affect by marketing. But the truth is that we all are being led by subtle marketing too, not just the obvious marketing.

So in a way, they affect the choices I make and I don't want anybody but me to make the choices.

Obviously marketing is not going away now. If anything, it will only get more intrusive and intense. I hate marketing...

[-] MrAlternateTape@lemm.ee 7 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Netherlands here. You can get a permit for sport shooting or hunting. Guns for self defense are not allowed.

Any violence used to catch a burglary or somebody breaking in has to be a reasonable response. So if they have no weapon and you hit them with a baseball bat you are actually in trouble. This can be very frustrating but there is a point to it. Minimal violence is the name of the game here.

Even the police are trained to talk first and only resort to violence when absolutely necessary. Drawing a weapon as a cop means filling out paperwork and there will be a review to make sure it was the right move.

However, for sport shooting you have to join a shooting club and shoot competition. The first year you can only shoot with air guns.

If you get a gun for sport shooting, you have to have a safe for the weapon, grounded to the wall and the floor. It will be inspected and police can check on you at random times.

Ammo and weapon should be separated at all times, transport can only be done in cases.

You are not allowed to load the gun until you are basically ready to shoot. If you have to shoot five times, you are not allowed to load six shots. You can have a maximum of 5 guns. Assault rifles are not legal I think. There are no competitions with them, so you have no reason to buy them.

The rules are strict. We only had one big "recent" shooting and I think it is at least 10 years ago. I like it.

Of course criminals stil have guns, but for a random guy who lost his job and want to take revenge it is neigh impossible to just buy an AK47 and shoot all his colleagues. Quite a safe feeling actually.

[-] MrAlternateTape@lemm.ee 14 points 11 months ago

Violence is justified when you have no other means left to defend yourself or someone else otherwise.

At which point I would like to add that people will sometimes not be able to see the means they have left because they are put in a stressful situation in a second. I feel like you can't really blame them for that.

Violence as a response should always be in proportion. That should avoid escalation. In an ideal world.

Unfortunately some people won't stop. Those people need to be put into prison where they cannot hurt anyone anymore.

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