Yes, other space debris.

I'mma do it, I'mma be the one to bring up Undertale this time (estimated 2 hours, worth a few replays), there's also little nightmares (2-4 hours depending on platforming skills) which is a spooky little game, but not too spooky if you ever play in front of the kids.


This is my favorite series by Rick Yancey that came out in 2009, but not many people have read it, at least in my area. The language and themes feel almost too mature for a young adult series. The story itself is about a boy's descent lead by his guardian (if you could even call him that) Dr. Warthrop. If you love monsters and cryptids but are well aware of the world's greatest monster, man, then this book speaks your language. If you've read any of the 4 books, SPEAK UP, I WANNA HEAR FROM YOU, please?

Dang man I'd feel bad too in those conditions lol. It's only when I'm not sure what caused it that I absolve myself, or bunnies, can't stop the bunnies.

Yes, mostly when it's in a pot in my house. Outside plants are at the mercy of the world, plants inside are at the mercy of me. If it dies in here, its dying under my care and protection. If it dies out there, it faced the elements and lost in spite of my efforts.

So they say the meat is 99% chicken cell, does anyone know what the 1% is? I'd just feel better knowing.

You described my college experience to a T, it was hard going home and realizing my family, not just my community, is plagued by hatred of people they never met.

I'll never forget this poem, it really shaped my perspective on speaking up sooner rather than later. There was another poem that echoed similar sentiments, but I can only remember the line "I will not be an agent of death."

Thank you, your explanation made some sense of this metaphor. I'm not familiar with this period of British history, so this metaphor shot right over me. Either way, I'm interested to see how the voting goes.

Stay strong girl! You have every right to exist in your most comfortable form, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Identity is an innate human right, you deserve the freedom of expressing that identity like everyone else!

Definitely terrifying and can be surprising, but I think it's easier to demonize unfamiliar groups than to demonize a well-known one. I think demonizing and dehumanizing relies on some degree of the unknown to make all the hysteria and fear plausible. If the group is well known by the general public, it's easier to say "now wait a minute, I happen to know many trans people and they're very kind." It creates a strong base of informed allies to speak up on the group's behalf. It's not impossible to demonize a well-known group, I just believe it's easier when your target has no personal interactions to check against the fear mongering.

It's terrifying to witness active dehumanization in a nation that supposedly wants you to live your best life. They'll try to convince the whole nation that trans folk aren't people, aren't human, we can't let them. Once they're not human, they can get away with anything they do to them. If you see these efforts to dehumanize any group, no matter where you are, try to be brave because you never know when you're next.

"Huffman said in an interview that he plans to institute rules changes that would allow Reddit users to vote out moderators who have overseen the protest, comparing them to a “landed gentry.”"

I had to google Landed Gentry, it still don't make sense; "The landed gentry, or the gentry, is a largely historical British social class of landowners who could live entirely from rental income, or at least had a country estate." That's a weird way to describe an unpaid moderator. Either way, there's no reddit to return to if they're going scorched earth on the moderators anyways. This is home now.

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