I can't be the only one that read "aromatic person" instead of "aromantic person".
Just watch the german version, where both translates to "giftig". Who cares if it needs to bite you or if you need to bite it, if it contains poison/venom just stay away from it.
This technology gets interesting, when I can unfold a full 27" 2k screen.
cries in digital clock
Read the Guild Wars Factions manual over and over, because I got it before the official release and couldn't play. 2 years later I could easily solve a lore puzzle in-game with the knowledge I got from reading the manual. Totally worth it.
Is this Zbox in our 2D room right now?
Easy solution: the app only redirects you to the website via browser intent.
My uneducated understanding is that the chart shows at which temperatures sulfuric acid freezes depending on the concentration. Also in my very basic understanding of physics and chemistry I would have thought that it's linear or exponential or something predictable and not that jumpy.
But what did he say?
Loaded the update via the internal function a few hours ago and still got error 403 on every video I tried. Haven't twsted it thoroughly yet though.
Meanwhile in Germany: Houses still getting copper internet cables this year (and probably the next 10 too).
The simplified distance rule we learn in europe is: half your speed (km/h) in meters or as an equation, v/2000. E.g. you drive 120km/h, keep 60m distance.