Older versions work, yeah.
No, no. I have nothing to do with any kind of Linux dev unfortunately. I do want to start learning Vulkan though. XD
The driver is just beginning to be developed. It's a miracle it can do this already. In 1-2 years it should be be immensely better, I would say, at this rate, comparable to the proprietary drivers of Nvidia.
Underrated comment lol.
I reinstalled Tumbleweed and it worked fine. Have a 3080M vs 6800M benchmark coming up once it's done transcoding.
Thanx for the rollback command! :)
And yeah, some games wouldn't even boot. So I'm doing 5 games in this benchmark after all. Perhaps it's cause it's an Optimus laptop.
Awesoem, I'll check it out then! :)
Your doubts re completely unfounded. Linux was set up in 5 mins, I just installed OpenSUSE, installed Steam and ran the games, since the AMD/Intel drivers are included in the kernel.
On Windows I had to set up for like 45 mins until the installation and all the updates and drivers were done.
I just launch the games personally.
I know the multi is free, Does that have a Benchmark?
It does say with huge letters the video is transcoding when it does. XD
I'm on another server, that's why. :) Peertube has plenty of instances.