How could he escalate? He is shipping in fucking North Koreans to fight for him because he can't find enough Russians. Misleading bullshit headline.
~~Americans~~ The DNC
It absolutely means something. Don't kid yourself.
There are three such games in the franchise. My favorite is the original 1998 version.
What was your support like after the event? Do you feel you have recovered?
He is using a tactic here where he knows 100% that something is not going to happen so he calls for it in an attempt to divert blame and appear virtuous.
I mean it's classic Orwellianism to make up wild claims so that they seem normal when you do it. It's also called hypernormalization. Say crazy outlandish thing that doesn't exist. Then when it happens no one is surprised. The Big Lie. Etc.
So they decided to vote for the anti-union capitalist.
The reason capitalism leads to fascism is that inevitably capitalism will lead to untenable inequality. Injustice will be too great to ignore between the rich and the rest. This will lead to populism.
There are two forms of populism. One will seek to rectify the imbalances caused by capitalism. The other will seek to divert blame to minorities. If there were less blacks, immigrants, gays, Jews, etc. etc. then our society would not be in decay. One is much more useful to the Capitalist and so it will ultimately prevail. The capitalist will devote all resources to crushing the leftist populism up to and including directly funding fascism.
You will not be propositioned by swingers.
It will be felt most by those least responsible.
I mean it's logical when you have to take out a mortgage to pay for your truck.