With Chinese characteristics. Don't forget the Chinese characteristics.
"I am not a scientist, I just smoke weed" needs to be a shirt.
Cute :3
Arch btw
Children yearn for the mine.
Technobros and a tenuous understanding of how the real world works, name a more iconic duo.
You wouldn't download a linux
Never I thought I'd be reading about a wheelchair locked behind paywalls. What a ridiculous world we live in.
Edit: I'm glad you figured something out and that those profiteers won't get a cent out of it.
"In English, we don't have a word for spicy" - Neil touchgrass Tyson at a linguistics conference.
I'm starting to suspect that being good at astrophysics doesn't mean you're automatically the best at everything else too.
For the lazy:
Elon's main thing is selling cars, of course he actively opposes whatever would let people not buy a car.