More like a historical joke. Never heard of the background from communism or where the wording came from? Commune, common?
Thx, and happy cakeday.
Oh, I thought it's because of the Loki Foundation. This article was surprisingly technical.
My record is 4 years without update. I had to upgrade every version instead of jumping directly to the latest because I read this is how it is done.
This worked for Debian flawlessly. Another Laptop with Arch Linux died after updating a 2 years old system.
Oh yeah, makes sense, reminds me of how I discovered IronFox by searching content about phoenix.js
Idk. It's the second release and they pushed upstream firefox 134 and Phoenix.js instead of arkenfox which sounds really good.
Btw and nobody could resist that arcticion icon from IronFox...
I simply add the link posted before into obtainium
Oh, it's one of these "childhood ruined" days.
Idk, maybe fork it under the name MS-DOSNT
Oh thx, I don't trust brave for years and confused about all these privacy recommendations.