It's also amazing that they're "perfectly compatible" with the first teenage boy their parents let her talk to for more than 4 minutes alone
Brave statement from a man who is only alive because the poors would rather not get arrested
Can't wait for people in red states making <$50k to be really mad about this for some reason
Sounds good, I'll keep voting for the party that hates US citizens
-Fucking dipshits who think they're doing anything other than volunteer work for billionaires
Ahh good. The Catholic Church model of reporting and punishment doesn't work so well
I'll never understand people's obsession with things others want to do to themselves. Things that have absolutely zero impact to anyone else
I don't understand people who inject their lips or get other fucked up implants but I'm not going to violate their privacy or advocate for laws against them
My favorite, since I'm not a programmer anymore, is excel
E: Your formula has a circular reference. I ain't doing shit till you fix it
Me: where?
E: In your spreadsheet, I don't fucking know
They've really strongly adopted their new "Do only evil" mantra
Search engine protocol:
Ignore first few results (ads)
Ignore next few results (bullshit spam comparison farms)
Ignore really annoying site you think is ok but is a usability nightmare
Ignore subsection of reddit links
Find 0-1 useful links on first page
This is where politics gets so fucking disingenuine it makes me ill.
He didn't do "enough" yet we give the guy who did nothing-to-negative a pass?
Or they shit on a single democratic senator for not voting this way or that, giving a pass to the 50 shitheads who voted no because they're scared of getting murdered by either their base or the people who ~~bribe them~~ donate to their campaigns
Alternative headline: remote work adds billions into workers' pockets and an immeasurable amount of happiness
In his defense he has been unlikable for the entirety of many people's lives