Our first amendment to our constitution gives us protections not to be arrested for unsavory speech. It's a knife that cuts in every direction. Trump couldn't just lock up AOC, willynilly, for her trashing of him on the daily.
No-bert gotta go
Late 30s and from the mountainous south. Public school.
At least we had sex ed in 3rd, 5th, 8th and 9th grade. Learned about evolution in kindergarten as well.
This is a really good "explain like an idiot" account of Doppler effect. A++++ would upvote again.
What could be the reasons behind this?
Could be the "If you build it they will come" situation. I hadn't heard about it personally. I am a big fan of old style forums.
They're not very big and if they're being used because of the location's harsh conditions I would imagine add even more protection.
Understandable. RSS is fantastic for news and such, but lacks the community of comments which is what drives a lot of people to content they normally wouldn't read.
joined 1 year ago
Was hoping NPR would have done the same when they quit twitter