Network Manager?
I actually like that. Have to put in the password on fist boot before network will connect to wifi.
Awesome, thanks for the info.
You're either in the industry or a big nerd. I had no idea they did that to 2d movies. Might explain some bad experiences
Has bt. Linux says it's connected. But the Xbox light doesn't stop blinking. Then just goes dark...
I know they work with windows. Maybe it is the bt version.
It worth reading, because you get perspective on how anarcho capatalist view the world.
Read the whole thing. It's OK.
The worst part of the book is that stupid chapter in the last third. Which summarizes the previous 2/3.
Yes. When ppl correct me. I make a show of it.
No, it's:"saaa-L-mon". You uneducated twit!
Hey, is there any centralized system I can put on a Linux box that will notify me of battery health of multiple UPSs.
I started a managed Services business and I'm trying to find a battery backup solution. That I can centrally manage.
I've never looked into Central management for UPS's before. So I'm not sure if there's anything out there like that.
Given your experience though I'm guessing you might know.
I'm just trying to avoid running into the situation where I have a dying battery at a client's location. I'm trying to be proactive.
Oh wow, good thing they caught that.
Perfect, thank you!