IIRC wasn't Pulseaudio and systemd made by the same person?
How does it feel hoarding IPs from 7 other people who want one?
Security at the expense of usability comes at the expense of security. X11 doesn't have security. Wayland doesn't have usability or security. Security is about putting walls in front of the bad guys while letting the good guys go through. Wayland just puts walls around everyone.
You got downvoted for speaking the truth. You can't talk to a dbus app without understanding how it communicates. You can't talk to a sockets app without understanding how it communicates.
They won't. It will go to the highest bidder. Every company does. Stop thinking your favourite one is a special exception. The problem is systemic.
Do you periodically verify them?
... in Ukraine. They want to fight and bomb Russian soldiers in Ukraine.
If only there was a protocol they could use to allow customers to share files with each other, using their own bandwidth.
Scene has standards. You don't have to be scene to use scene naming standards. https://scenerules.org
Just name them in scene format even if you're not scene.
PF influences reverse connections to you when downloading as well. People can connect to you and upload to you. If the torrent is really badly seeded you might not be able to download it.
AWS is unique in its high profit margins. Have you explored the world of non-cloud hosting? It's cheap as!