This is happening on a regional level, east germany is way different than west. How different? I can't tell in detail, but demographics and worldviews are the two more salient categories for such differences.
Kate editor was the only way I had to send text to REPL when learning Python not so long ago. That's to say that I love it too! Simple, accesible, and as everything in KDE: highly customizable!
Not offline but self-hosting available , there's LinguaCafe it's like book reading web app with tons of niceties. I am yet to try it for myself.
I didn't intend to say that one was a copy of the other, and certainly I wouldn't think that to be detrimental. (PS. Biologically, a clone would only be possible if it has the same age as the "original". I was using the term only to mean that they're nearly identical.)
It's like a subset of the utilities on but other than that is a kind of a clone.
What's your filesystem? I'd use zfs send / receive. Worst case scenario, you can use dd.
Cockpit is a dashboard (and control!) app that can connect to multiple hosts.
Yes, as safe as SSH can be. Why not use https with cloudfare tunnels? For SSH, depends on security config and ofuscation measures... Like disabling root login, use encryption keys instead of plain password, pick a "hidden" port number, and so on. There were many posts here and all over the web about this. I would add either crowdsec or fail2ban to the mix.. That's prettt much all that there is.
Once I rented a car with voice commands (not android, and Bluetooth. It was able to reproduce my music from my phone (using Vinyl from F-droid). I think it connects directly to some sort of API on the phone once it's paired, so the music playback is controllable... YMMV.
If only some billionaire trained a GPT model on all copyrighted books, with the twist of really being able to return the whole content ;)
It would be legal, tho IANAL.