[-] blind3rdeye@lemm.ee 5 points 6 hours ago

My latest favourite is missing: Note Taking Apps:

Joplin is good for organising text-based notes, so I'm not surprised to see that on your list. But xournal is a for mixed drawing / hand-writing / text, etc. So it's a different use-case to Joplin. (It would be perfect if Joplin supported xournal notes; so that you could write with xournal and then organise with Joplin. ... But that hasn't yet come to pass.)

[-] blind3rdeye@lemm.ee 5 points 5 days ago

I suppose the loss they are referring to is that they fumbled and dropped their cool mystique at a critical moment. How can you put a price on that? ...

Or perhaps they are talking about an accumulated loss. They're basically out there flipping and fumbling coins all day - and after the latest one they've lost the equivalent of $30000 in total.

[-] blind3rdeye@lemm.ee 10 points 5 days ago

That's what they said in The Matrix. I guess they called it right.

[-] blind3rdeye@lemm.ee 2 points 5 days ago

Free food, but confined to a tiny unchanging living space where your entire purpose is to be observed by others; vs no free food, but more person freedom. Which do you think is better?

[-] blind3rdeye@lemm.ee 1 points 5 days ago

Probably misinformation. I didn't think Proton was even around in 1896!

[-] blind3rdeye@lemm.ee 107 points 1 month ago

Your response makes it sound like you're responding some kind of rage-rant. But from my reading, the post you responded to basically just lists a few things they like and dislike - clearly given as personal opinions. So your response reads as unprovoked hostility.


I'm looking for discussion and suggestions about the best way to play games from GOG on linux.

My current method is that I've got GOG Galaxy installed with bottles, and then I use GOG Galaxy to install and launch the Windows games. That's working alright so far. One downside is that won't install Iinux versions like that, so for games that have a native linux version I have to decide if I want to install it separately, or just run the windows version with the others. So that isn't perfect. Another minor thing I don't like is that since I'm installing games via GOG Galaxy via Bottles via Flatpak... I end up having very little idea of where stuff is being saved. It's difficult to find save game files for example; and if there is some junk installed or left over from something, there's very little chance that I'm going to notice and delete it. It just feels very opaque. (I guess that's mostly just about my personal lack of knowledge though.)

Anyway, I'm mostly just wondering how others are choosing to handle their games from GOG.

Maddy makes heaps of stuff in GDQ (mastodon.gamedev.place)
submitted 2 months ago by blind3rdeye@lemm.ee to c/games@lemmy.world

I just think it's cool to when indie developers are an active part of the gaming community.

[-] blind3rdeye@lemm.ee 152 points 8 months ago

Yesterday I bought something on Steam for the first time in many years. (I have a large Steam library, but in recent years I've been getting games from gog and itch instead.)

Since I hadn't bought from Steam in a long time I figured I should read the "Steam Subscriber agreement" that you have to click to accept when you buy something. Let me just say now, the agreement is a very very bad deal for customers.

It goes to great lengths to make it very clear that you don't own anything. You aren't buying anything, you have no essentially rights. You are simply paying for a license subscription to use software with various conditions. Valve is able to end your subscription with no refund if you break the agreement. And the best bit:

Furthermore, Valve may amend this Agreement (including any Subscription Terms or Rules of Use) unilaterally at any time in its sole discretion.

So by using Steam we're putting a lot of trust in Valve; because the 'agreement' basically says they can do whatever they want, any time they want, for any reason they want.

Steam is quite good. I particularly appreciate their Linux support. But they are clearly using their position of dominance to make people agree to unfavourable terms. At the moment, things are fine. But make no mistake - when you use Steam, Valve has all the power. They can screw people over whenever they choose to.

With all that in mind, buying DRM free is better if you want to still have access to the software when a company decides to change direction for whatever reason.

[-] blind3rdeye@lemm.ee 81 points 8 months ago

I remember in the early days of the internet Alta Vista search worked quite well. It was easy to find what you wanted, and find new things relevant to your interests - and so it became very popular. Unfortunately, Alta Vista only worked well if people made their websites in good faith. It was searching meta-tags and text on the page; and so when greedy people wanted to get more traffic on their website, they found it easy to exploit Alta Vista's search. As more and more people started exploiting the system, the search got worse and worse.

I remember the day I switched to using Google. I was searching for some C programming stuff on Alta Vista with technical words - and the results had more porn sites than programming sites. Like, wtf. Obviously that search doesn't work anymore. It stopped working because arseholes were exploiting it.

And now, pretty much the same thing is happening to Google. Their algorithm worked better for longer than what Alta Vista was doing, but it seems that self-interested people have kind of cracked the system, and now the results are mostly just junk instead of useful stuff. (Note, I stopped using Google several years ago. I've been using Duck Duck Go. But you're right that the problem is more widespread than just Google.)

[-] blind3rdeye@lemm.ee 104 points 10 months ago

Google has been doing this kind of thing for years, to strangle their competition. For example, back when Windows Phone existed, Google went deliberately out of their way to cripple youTube, and maps. Apparently google will do anything they can to create lock-in and faux loyalty.

Google are completely evil. Here we're talking about them using their popular products as weapons against competitors in unrelated areas. But also have a history of copying products made by others then using advertising strength to promote their version over the original. And if that somehow doesn't work... they buy out the competitors. Both youTube and google maps are examples of this.

[-] blind3rdeye@lemm.ee 103 points 10 months ago

So apparently having consumer-friendly laws does in fact lead to better products. Cool.

Perhaps the USA and other countries should follow the EU's good example on this.

[-] blind3rdeye@lemm.ee 67 points 11 months ago

Ah yes. How fitting for a young new person in the world. A reminder that 2°C of warming above the pre-industrial mean would be catastrophic, but also is a good lower-limit of what to expect based on current intentions.

[-] blind3rdeye@lemm.ee 111 points 11 months ago

It's too late to avoid problems; but it's certainly not too late to take action. This is not a binary yes / no or climate change / no climate change situation. It's a continuum. We can't avoid it completely, but the longer we delay action the worse it gets. There is still a lot of room for it to get worse. So reducing emissions is more important now than it has even been, even if some problems are unavoidable.

submitted 11 months ago by blind3rdeye@lemm.ee to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I'm vaguely interested in having a few different encrypted folders on my computer, with different passwords on each. I don't have any particular strong requirements. It's more of a velleity; mostly just to try it so that I know more about it.

That said, when I search for encryption options, I see a lot of different advice from different times. I'm seeings stuff about EncFS, eCryptFS, CryFS; and others... and I find it a bit confusing because to me all those names look basically the same; and it's not easy for me to tell whether or not the info I'm reading is out of date.

So figure I'd just ask here for recommendations. The way I imagine it, I want some encrypted data on my computer with as little indication of what it is as possible; and but with a command and a password I can then access it like a normal drive or folder; copying stuff in or out, or editing things. And when I'm done, I unmount it (or whatever) and now its inaccessible and opaque again.

I'm under the impression that there are a bunch of different tools that will do what I've got in mind. But I'm interested in recommendations (since most of the recommendations I've seen on the internet seem to be from years ago, and for maybe slightly different use-cases).

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