[-] bobtimus_prime@feddit.org 1 points 1 month ago

I agree that fear and NIMBYs are one key issue that hinders us into progressing into a green future. Although we may not agree how to proceed best, it is important that we take quick and large steps, and stay united against continuing the emissions of CO2.

Thanks for the discussion :)

[-] bobtimus_prime@feddit.org 5 points 1 month ago

This study says otherwise: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360544223015980

  • We present a unique cost data set on 19 small modular reactors.
  • Manufacturer cost estimates are mostly too optimistic compared to production theory.
  • A Monte Carlo simulation shows that no concept is profitable or competitive.
  • Median NPVs are negative ranging from 3 (HTR) to 293 (SFR) million USD/MWel.
  • Median LCOEs start at 116 USD/MWh for HTRs and at 218 USD/MWh for PWRs.
[-] bobtimus_prime@feddit.org 4 points 1 month ago

If we had to decide between nuclear and coal, the clear winner is nuclear. As I stated in the other comment that renewables are more cost effective than nuclear, and thus, we can convert more coal to emission free energy than with nuclear.

[-] bobtimus_prime@feddit.org -4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Your language is rude. Please adress your point in a more formal way, without claiming that I would be yelling or bullshitting.

I still don't see the deposition of nuclear waste as straight forward as you claim. We have accumulated waste for many decades and, so far, have establiahed only a single site. If this was new technology I would give it the benefit of the doubt, but we have decaying castors, wich will become more and more difficult to handle, as the fule rods become brittle. Just building new Reactors and think we will handle the waste eventually, is not enough to convince me.

If we had the resources to build nuclear powerplants and renewables, we should do both, but we have not. Thus, every Cent spent on nuclear is not spent on renewables which give more power per invested money.[1]

Baseload: The grids might not yet handle a widespread dunkelflaute, but they can be, and currently are, extended to shift energy from production places to the regions where they are needed. Furthermore the cost of energy storage is falling every every year[2], while the the cost of nuclear remains more or less stagnant.[3]

I agree that coal does more harm than nuclear, but as states above, we should put our effort in renewables.

[1] https://www.theguardian.com/news/ng-interactive/2024/may/24/nuclear-power-australia-liberal-coalition-peter-dutton-cost
[2] https://ourworldindata.org/battery-price-decline
[3] https://www.statista.com/statistics/184754/cost-of-nuclear-electricity-production-in-the-us-since-2000/

[-] bobtimus_prime@feddit.org 18 points 2 months ago

This is for memes about science, not political agendas. Spread your anger elsewhere, or better, keep it for yourself.

[-] bobtimus_prime@feddit.org 18 points 2 months ago

Actually, they reference him.

[-] bobtimus_prime@feddit.org 2 points 2 months ago

Sind wir nicht noch in der Testphase?


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