[-] daltotron@lemmy.ml 1 points 6 days ago

Yeah, i would empower monsters to do heinous things to my citizens, like forcing them to live in a rural village where someone will care for them when they're old, and their utilities layouts will make sense, and their cost of living and lifestyle footprint will massively decrease. Oh no! The horror!

Also, I dunno. ahh, they'll go to war, how horrifying! whatever shall we do! How many of these people will actually go to war, though? That's some shit that floats around a lot, but I realistically think that if you just kick someone into some situation that's realistically better than what they were previously hucking, then they'd probably just take it. IF you really wanted to swing it, though, then you could just swing it all through the markets and then fuck them over that way, just like they're already being fucked. Not many people actually have that killdozer gene in them, though, and they wouldn't really have a good target. There's no amount of "blowing stuff up" or "going to war" that can realistically bring back a, by it's nature, highly vulnerable, detached development style like that, and blowing stuff up doesn't really help you contest with whatever your current standards of living are.

Lemme ask you this, though. How do you think we should solve the problem of the suburbs? Do you think a market solution is going to operate fast enough? Do you think those solutions are going to solve the broader problems with the housing crisis popping up in every major city? Do you think they will be enacted fast enough to mitigate climate problems?

[-] daltotron@lemmy.ml 1 points 6 days ago

and I'm loving every minute of it jerry

[-] daltotron@lemmy.ml 2 points 6 days ago

I mean, yeah, but the major difference is that they were wrong and dumb and I am correct

[-] daltotron@lemmy.ml 6 points 1 week ago

I mean I do think banning them is a good idea, and in general I think nazis should be taken on helicopter rides, most especially the enablers of nazis, their financial leash handlers which basically bootstrap them into these positions in order to push the dialogue further rightward in service of corporate interests, and probably also in this case in service of "geopolitical security" since we're going to be seeing oncoming climate refugees in the coming years, and combatting that in any way but increasing the security apparatus is off the table.

More than that, though, I worry that realistically just banning them, though a great temporary measure, won't do much, say, five years or a decade down the road, because it's not gonna solve the core hypocrisies and discrepancies that neoliberalism is not so keen to solve. If you want to actually solve this problem long term then you need to combat those core problems. Instead, though, I think that probably the party being banned will just see them either form a new party, or else tone down their rhetoric to an acceptable degree, or just join the next furthest right party and then decide to push them further right, and so on and so on, until we've all collectively just shifted rightward to an incredible degree.

Ad nauseam, et cetera, regardless of the political apparatuses at work, until collectively the western world plummets towards fascism.

[-] daltotron@lemmy.ml 6 points 3 weeks ago

None of the busybodies trying to sabotage the local transit system seems to want to recognize the twelve cars behind the bus as the problem, of course.

I feel like I perhaps know who may be driving those cars

[-] daltotron@lemmy.ml 10 points 2 months ago

She could've easily just ignored that protest, because it doesn't have anything at all to do with her. The only reason this is still getting democratic backing is because of institutional reasons. The rhetoric about, desert rose, shining star of democracy in the middle east, rings hollow when israel has done jack shit as a strategic ally for us for the past 70+ years other than get us wrapped up in multiple conflicts, use us as a weapons manufacturing base to keep the military industrial complex spinning constantly, and train our cops more and more poorly. I don't think your average democratic voter wants to keep hearing about this shit, I think your average voter wants to ignore this, or has bigger fish to fry in their immediate future, and I don't think outside of the republican party, which is swamped by doomsday cult evangelical zionists, there are any real hardline make or break "support israel or bust" guys in the democratic voter base. Maybe your super extremist brainbroken libs, but you're pretty much guaranteed to have their vote anyways, I think. It's that phantomic undecided voter that they always come back to. Real Hotelling's law shit, but they're like, stuck in a fucked up version of the centrism from the 80's, eternally, only changing the window dressing.

This is purely an institutional concern, and the more this comes up, the less time she has to actually show anything substantive to people. She doesn't understand how tenuous and ethereal her meme momentum is. People are satisfied with her now because she's not joe biden, and because she actually has a chance to beat trump, maybe, but after that satisfaction evaporates and the coconut tree and brat memes fall off with their half life of like, probably two weeks or less, she's gonna need something better than just "vote blue no matter who or else fascism will destroy democracy", or else it's just going to fucking beam us with the exact cynicism that's been the case for like the last two elections. She could even just fucking lie, and say as president she'll appoint more people to the supreme court, and reverse the reversal of roe v. wade, and even if she doesn't do that, the issue would probably still be a huge winner for her and help get her elected. But the more time she spends on israel's fuckups the more she's going to tread water, and if you're not moving forwards, you're sliding backwards.

[-] daltotron@lemmy.ml 10 points 3 months ago

MLK did advocate for pacifism for all but the last few months of his life

I mean this is sort of reframed with the context that he was assassinated for making that turn away from pacifism. I'm not saying that it was the wrong decision even given the hindsight we have now, but it does recontextualize it.

[-] daltotron@lemmy.ml 7 points 3 months ago

I mean I think I'd say it was more the result of poor preparation than anything. I think most places are saying he had like, 3 shots or somewhere around there, and apparently his rifle had no optic on it at all, which is kind of an insane idea at that distance. Which I think also maybe lends credence to the idea that this was just some impulse decision rather than a prepared kind of thing. I don't think it's that hard of a shot to make in general, even given the single opportunity that you're going to be working with, I've hit soda cans with .22s at similar ranges. You barely have to take into account windage or holdover and I haven't seen any evidence of heavy wind on the day of, really.

So, I dunno, I think it's probably just an idiot kid killing himself in like, some elaborate suicide by cop or something. or just a dumb groyper, jury's still out.

[-] daltotron@lemmy.ml 6 points 3 months ago

we'll add that one to the "impulse killing with a truck gun" theory, then

[-] daltotron@lemmy.ml 8 points 3 months ago

I don't know why we're still having this conversation because people made ironic jokes about trump being in the wwe and knowing how to blade. If you listen to the extremely peaked out audio, you can hear the report of the gunshots, which would not be possible with blanks. They have a different sound signature, different sound profile. You can likewise hear the difference in caliber and therefore sound profile when the secret service fires back. This guy fully shot in the direction of the president. There's not really any plausible way this was fake.

[-] daltotron@lemmy.ml 11 points 3 months ago

Mostly I find them annoying. I mildly understand the need for human meaning as it kind of, tends to come up later at night, or for the elderly, or when life really sucks or you tend to even just be really really bored right.

I also understand some of the benefits, right, like. As much as people will despise to admit it, you don't get, say, the number zero without the Muslim science guys, and you don't get science without the enlightenment which stemmed out of some weirdass Catholic Christian theory guys. and then everyone's all like, oh no well you can't attribute that to the Catholics and if anything they hampered progress, and I'd say, well, maybe, maybe, but also maybe science sucks as we commonly understand it and maybe also you can't really divorce any part of things from their cultural context, or else things get fucky.

On the other hand I find them annoying and I find that all to be totally null and void because the vast majority of people are just using it as an opiate to placate literally all of their anxieties about the world with a bunch of meaningless thought terminating cliche style statements, and even actively reinforce their own participation in some of the worst aspects of their own culture and society even at points in which they really don't want to or know that it's horrible and is causing them pain.

So I dunno, mostly it sucks.

[-] daltotron@lemmy.ml 8 points 3 months ago

haven't had much of an issue with that as long as I hide duplicates, require posts with images, and then click on the "owner" tab instead of the dealer tab, but I live in a pretty small city, so ymmv.

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