I don't have windows allowed on my job, thanks god
Contrary to the idea that most of these new users come from steam decks, I've had 3 of my friends switch to or at least partially use linux. We are certainly growing.
Technical ability is very much linked to age. Same as playing the piano is linked to how much you practice
Does the result justify the means? If so then hitler was right to gas the jews because it made germany ideologically whole. Nothing justifies losing your privacy. Same as nothing justifies genocide.
They are actually maximizing their profit
To extend your statistical research I'm a GNU/LINUX. user, i have never watched an anime, I'm white, extremely racist and a lgbtqia hater.
Please don't kill people in Counter strike or they might get PTSD
Can you decrease it afterwards?
Guys, what is excel? Do you mean libre office calc?
Look into grapheneos, it has almost the same features as vanilla google android. The few things it lacks are google auto (i don't drive), google pay (i don't wanna pay shit anyway)
I might be retarded but what's wrong with the post? The year is specified quite unconventionally, but that's all i can see.
Reminds me of c++ linker errors