[-] ghandi9@lemmy.meg.li 1 points 10 months ago

Yeah wtf was that comment and how is it upvoted? Sure, OP doesn't need to take shit and can fight back, but "ruining people's lifes"? Conspiring with other people to "make him wish he was never born"? Gerting him fired? How is that supposed to be useful? How does that solve anything?

[-] ghandi9@lemmy.meg.li 7 points 10 months ago

Wtf is this comment? So you either "turn the other cheek" and just let him harrass you, or else "you have to ruin his life and make him wish he was never born"?

You are right that OP doesn't have to "turn the other cheek" and does not have to put up with people's shit, but just because you should not turn yourself into a masochist that does not mean you should turn yourself into a sadist..

[-] ghandi9@lemmy.meg.li 8 points 10 months ago

I have been running my own server for a few years now. I would describe it more as an alternative for What's App or Signal than an alternative to discord. I think it's more used in a professional/and or government setting for organisations who need to run their own services.

Also, Matrix is just the protocol behind it and there are quite a few different clients for it, the most popular one is element. Lemmy.world also has a link to their Matrix instance.

[-] ghandi9@lemmy.meg.li 1 points 1 year ago

What I mean that you’re only point is “you’re not the majority so shut up”.

My only point is "you're not the majority", you don't even need to shut up, you can have whatever opinion you want to have, just don't pretend to represent "the community" when you don't..

Me having a mini jack in the phone doesn’t mean that you, a person that doesn’t care about one, is somehow disadvantaged.

It's an additional port that needs to be included into the design and that needs physical space. And it's another way to get dust and/or fluids into the phone, all without any benefit for me or most users.. You can claim that the impact is minimal, but there still is an unnecessary impact.

You agreed already that Apple didn’t remove the mini jack to make the phone smaller, it was just to make more money.

Everything apple does and other companies do is to make more money, that's pretty much the entire motivation behind anything companies do..

It’s the same 7 years later, people still don’t believe it’s for any other reason than to make a little bit more money.

Of course it is to "make more money", or rather to save money on things that have no measurable benefit for most users..

Ok, so you’re a docile consumer. When company does something you don’t like you just say 'well, I’m in the minority, I will still just buy it without complaining".

No, when a company does something I don't like or that is a dealbreaker for me, I don't buy the product..

It’s just weird you’re so annoyed with people who do complain, especially on lemmy.

People can complain about whatever they want. What is annoying to me is when people say stuff like "the community has been requesting this for a couple years ago now so why not." or "adding a little headphone jack shouldn’t be that hard" when this debate has been settled years ago already..

Linux has ~3% market share. I guess we should just stop complaining when companies don’t support it, majority of people don’t care. Most people don’t care about privacy, they care about cheap and easy products, let’s stop complaining about Google and Meta tracking everyone.

Again, you can complain all you want. But if somebody made a post saying "Google is still using, selling and tracking user data. The community has been requesting that they stop doing that years ago, so why do they still do it? They only do it to make money. Just stop doing it, shouldn't be too hard.", it would in my opinion be a ridiculous and pointless post..

[-] ghandi9@lemmy.meg.li 0 points 1 year ago

You keep making the same point

You made a claim that I wrote something I didn't write, do you expect me to just let you put words into my mouth?

You have a different standard.

The vast majority of people interested in the fairphone have "a different standard"..

But for me what Apple did was wrong.

Ok, great, you have an opinion. An opinion I can completely understand. What does it have to do with this post though?

Mini jack was not obsolete

It wasn't. But it's not 2017 anymore..

Even you admitted they only did it for profit

Of course they did, why else would they do it, they are a company.

just don't criticize people that do care.

I will criticize whoever I want because it's fucking annoying to have the self-rightous jack defenders pretend martyrers proudly proclaim that they will sacrifice themself and not buy the newest fairphone because "fairphone went against community demands" and act as if they are the majority and represent the views of "the community" IN 2023..

They don't.. Most people in the fairphone community didn't care about the jack back when it was removed.. Most members of the community preferred a slimmer phone to a headphone jack back when the last fairphone was released. And despite of this, you still had some loud-mouths who acted as if their opinions alone represent "the community", ignored all the discussion in the community and claimed that fairphone acted against community interest.

And as "a member of the fairphone community", I didn't say anything, like most who don't care about the jack, because I don't care about the jack, I care about being able to change parts, I care about it lasting for many years and I care about it being small enough to fit in my pocket comfortably.

That was years ago, back when the fairphone decided to do this. And now, the upcoming model doesn't bring it back (to the surprise of virtually nobody) and you have the same wannabe martyrers saying stuff like "just bring it back, how hard can it be, the community demands it".. No, the community doesn't demand it.. The community demands a modular and long lasting phone that is slim and cheap at the same time..

we'll do it as long as we can

Do whatever pointless posturing you want, just don't act as if you are in the majority or represent all of a community when you don't..

[-] ghandi9@lemmy.meg.li 1 points 1 year ago

still claim that people don’t use phones for music.

But I have never claimed that "people don't use phones for music", I claimed that most people don't use their phone to listen to music on their headphones.. Many do, me included, but most simply don't..

If you ignore all the people that care about an issue you will conclude that no one cares.

But I don't conclude that nobody cares.. Obviously at least some people care, this post was made by somebody who does for example.. But the thing is that a majority of people don't..

[-] ghandi9@lemmy.meg.li 1 points 1 year ago

First: nothing you buy will ever be free from exploitation under this system.

Ok but again, even if you think so, there are still different degrees of exploitation. Saying "nothing I buy will ever be free from exploitation" can also be used as an argument not to care about exploitation at all..

buying one product over another will make no difference in society and the world.

Of course it will.. You can argue that the difference it makes is so small that it is essentially 0, but it still makes a difference..

but they never manage to end the harmful production pattern that these companies were applying in the first place.

Just because you buying a more sustainably produced smartphone doesn't solve all the problems in the world doesn't mean that it has 0 impact..

In the end, conscious consumption only serves to feel good (falsely) about yourself.

No, it also demonstrates a way to improve something, even if that improvement is minuscule.. It also shows the potential issues and problems that come with it.. I would never claim that somebody buying a fairphone is changing the world, of course that would be ridiculous. Individual consumer choices indeed don't have a big impact on systemic issues.

[-] ghandi9@lemmy.meg.li 6 points 1 year ago

There’s not such a thing like ethical consume under capitalism.

What's the conclusion of this claim? That we shouldn't consume anything at all? That it doesn't matter what we consume as it all is equally unethical?

Even if you believe that all consumption is unethical, there are still differences in impact and effect depending on what we consume and how much we consume.

It isn’t environmental good to change from a working phone to anything.

Of course not, but who is urging people to replace their new/working smartphone with a fairphone?

The new costs above $600 and the old ones costs around $400. This is a bunch of money

From a price/quality perspective, the fairphone has always been "bad".. You pay the price of a upper mid smartphone and get older mid tech. That's because the fairphone's main appeal is it's modularity and their focus on "sustainable" production, which of course has it's price.

If your main focus is price and affordability, the fairphone is a bad choice.

[-] ghandi9@lemmy.meg.li 0 points 1 year ago

This isn't a discussion about wireless vs wired though, this is a discussion about whether or not an ancient standard that has already been replaced should be reintroduced just because some people have been using that standard for a long time..

There are USB wired hearphones, there are even adaptors for your old 3.5 mm jack devices, so how is this about wireless vs wired?

[-] ghandi9@lemmy.meg.li 19 points 1 year ago

So I thought to myself…why?

Why? There are various arguments as to why the old audio jack standard is obsolete, but this discussion was essentially settled with the Fairphone 4, which was the first one that did not have a headphone jack. And they released a detailed article describing their reasoning..


The community has been requesting this for a couple years

The community? It's not as if Fairphone just willy nilly decided to get rid of the headphone jack, this was done with feedback from the community in mind.. Just because you are loud and passionate doesn't mean that your opinion is the only one that represents the community's.. As a fairphone user and "member of the community", I say fuck the 3.5 mm jack.. It's an ancient standard that was obsolete years ago,

And just to be clear, this isn't a discussion about wireless vs wired earbuds. You can have wired USB earbuds, you can even use your old 3.5 mm jack headphones with an adaptor. This is a discussion whether we should switch back to an ancient and inferior standard just because you are used to it..

Just add the headphone jack, shouldn’t be too hard.

And this entitled and wilfully ignorant attitude will make people take you even less seriously.. You can't "just add the headphone jack", decisions like that have an impact on all of the design of the device and have to be carefully evaluated.. You simply going "come on just do it, how hard can it be" will not convince anyone..

[-] ghandi9@lemmy.meg.li 3 points 1 year ago

Wireless headphones aren't the only available option.. There are USB earplugs and there are adapters. The only argument you have is "but I can't charge my phone while listening to music"..

[-] ghandi9@lemmy.meg.li 3 points 1 year ago

No, the drive letter is not static. If a drive was a train, the drive letter would be the platform number where the train arrives. Or if a drive was a plane, the drive letter would be the gate number.

Windows generally assigns the same drive letter to the same device, but if you want to, you could change drive letters randomly whenever you feel like it. The only thing windows needs is that every device has a different letter so that it can differentiate between them, but it doesn't necessarily matter which has which letter.

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