Turns out, my ISP has silently done a transparent DNS redirection. And their DNS servers are bad. Had to change to DoT to get it working. Something I should have done long ago anyway.

For me 1337x is not even loading. I see nothing, it just times out.

It does work if I connect to Cloudflare's Warp.

All you have to do is hear the things he says and you'll know how crazy he is. Not just about his future plans as possible president but this his personal life as well.

He hired a medium to talk to his dead dog and those alive as well...


Monkey Island or Little Big Adventure

This was already done. The only device able to make outbound DNS connections is the raspberry pi. For IPv4 and IPv6.

I run a DNS server on a raspberry pi and block only those domains where LG gets ads and promoted content from. I can then have a clean and responsive interface while services like Netflix still work.


joined 1 year ago