Yeah. I got the theory, but I have almost no practical experience. In total something like 4 weeks of field trips. But nice to see that I still get the basics.
Looks like some kind of intrusion of magma (the pale rock) into the darker rock. you can see how all the veins seem to originate from the pale rock, also the broken-of dark part in the pale rock seems to indicate it, could be part of the original rock, that surrounded the magma, before breaking of.
Some actual geologist might want to give their opinion though. I only had like two years of geology at university before shifting my studies toward crystallography and crystal growth.
You could and it might work, or it might not. Depends on a lot of factors. Thing is, you are still engaging the fey in word games and try to outsmart them in their own games. Being blunt and telling them No, giving clear and unambiguous answers offers less attack ground for them.
A wedding ring shows that you are wed. Just like an engagement ring shows that your engaged. A wedding is an event, being wed is a change in status. The logic is sound. Confusion only enters the mix, because 'being wed' is less common as a phrase than 'being married'.
And on top of all this the UI feels sluggish. I still have Win11 on my laptop, as it came installed with it and I just partitioned some of the drive for linux. Was sometimes easier do do stuff on Win for Uni, esp. with very specialized software. Everytime I logged in to Win I wanted to kill the UI.
- 12*12 on one hand + 12 on the other one
Dont forget the draft
I played an absolute Law-and-Order Paladin once. The rogue allways had to find ways around me, because of course he had to steal whatever was not nailed down. He had lots of fun finding ways to both convince me that he was an upstamding citizen and steal stuff right under my nose.
Might be a bit of a stupid question, but are those fruits eddible?
I did not need that mental picture. Thanks a lot.
Since I can see that we have kind of similar tastes, can you recommend the Fionavar Tapestry?