Don't know how cute they think we are... Then again, I don't know if they even know that concept of "cuteness" or if they just always want to eat stuff they find nice.
I have vivid memories of my Win 95 computer that came preinstalled. I had to buy a bunch of empty floppies and spend what felt like an eternity just inserting it one after another so I would get my set of Windows installation disks.
"prod" remains "production" even if used as an adjective? Man, English really is weird sometimes. I'll try to fix it later; I'm at work right now.
What kind of stupid question is that? Just walk two hours instead of cycling twenty minutes! Duh!
Don't you dare destroy my plan to move away from work to spend a full paid working day commuting!
Boss makes a grand, I make a dollar. I eat more fibre so breaks get even longer.
"Nate, we need to talk about your login locations."
"What's wrong with me logging in on the China? Why is there a clock if it shouldn't be used?"
"Nothing wrong with that, pal. But could you tell us why it's the gents' room on Mondays, the ladies' one on Tuesdays, the disabled's one on Wednesdays, the shitter in my private apartment on Thursdays and seemingly King Charles' private golden toilet in his fox hunting hut near Essex on Fridays?"
(I like how you're on Lemmy during that time (and how that gives you plausible deniability if somebody asks if your bathroom breaks need to be 30 minutes because you're on reddit))
Uuuuh, nice, what did you find out?
Yeah, but mentioning the playstation and the meme homeserver right away felt a little too cheap.
My handwriting has always been my achilles heel.