[-] pixxelkick@lemmy.world 9 points 6 days ago

Despite Steam being proprietary, Proton (it's emulation system) is so profoundly stable I feel like it's a necessary evil at this time.

I haven't found a single "windows" game yet in my library that doesn't work with steam

[-] pixxelkick@lemmy.world 127 points 1 month ago

Exponential growth, thats about all there is to it. Advancing from clacking rocks to hunting deer is actually already a huge advancement.

Those 190k years in caves however werent non-advancing. A lot of advancements happened over those years.

Fires, wheels, knot tying, ceramics, pottery, grains, hunting, animal husbandry, medicine, language, art, music, rope...

Also, 10k years is after we gained writing of various forms to store information.

Keep in mind thats at the stage of shit like egypt, the great pyramids, etc. We were waaaaay beyond "cavemen" at that point. We already had trade routes, cities, nations, countless languages, doctors, etc.

The big issue was before that point, all our forms of storing information were just not able to stand the test of time very well, is all. We stopped being "cavemen" way before that mark though.

[-] pixxelkick@lemmy.world 152 points 2 months ago

IMO the only valid move for Biden right now asap, is to use his new immunity powers to invalidate his immunity powers, as a display of self checkmate.

Declare the full supreme court under threat of death has to go back and redo the decision, and all of them must vote to reverse it and remove the presidential immunity, or be hung.

This of course means "if you dont remove my ability to kill you, you will die".

Its the ultimate display of being handed ultimate power, and rejecting it through the power itself.

I cant think of any other move that makes sense really. It would be a headache in court but thats what the supreme justices get for making such a stupid ass decision.

[-] pixxelkick@lemmy.world 122 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Unfortunately this is false. They've tested this and monkeys establish captilasm extremely fast when they come to understand currency as a concept.


They would exchange the currency, steal it, gamble with it, purchase with it, and even do some prostitution for it.

Edit: To people responding that this isnt capitalism, it actually is, in this case the privatized controller of wealth were the researchers distributing "payment" to the monkeys at a fixed rate, as well as having experiments where the monkeys had to pull levers before they would receive rewards either to themselves or later, altruistically to other monkeys.

You would know that if you took the time to read up on the study before responding...

[-] pixxelkick@lemmy.world 132 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

The "antisemitic" graffiti in question was:

"Zionism = Fascism"
"Your neutrality/apathy is enabling genocide"
"Free palestine"

The fact that is being called "antisemitic" is fucking nuts. Labeling a genocide as a genocide isn't antisemitic.

[-] pixxelkick@lemmy.world 155 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Summarized: micro managing remote workers is harder, and that's apparently a bad thing according to CEOs.

People will really do such incredible mental gymnastics to avoid actually learning how to quantify business value. If you don't know how to measure the value an employee has brought to your company, you don't deserve the title of CEO, as that's pretty much your job.

[-] pixxelkick@lemmy.world 116 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Traditional Republicans have a name.

Its called "Democrat".

What used to be "the left" is now just a more moderate, reasonable right.

What used to be "the right" is not even on the spectrum anymore, its become a populist extremist reactionary fascism. It's so far off the chart its on an entirely separate piece of paper.

Jeffries needs to just accept this fact and ~~walk across the floor~~. Liberals are now Conservatives, and Conservatives are now Nazis.

Edit: Misread that Jeffries was a Republican, the fact he's a Democrat changes the context a bit. He's absolutely right but he's basically just talking about what I re-iterated above, but its the republican "traditionals" that need to walk across the floor and stop associating with Nazis if they dont wanna go down with that ship.

The extremists they are associating with are just going to Crabs in the Bucket them, clawing them down with them when things go under. If they were smart they'd drop the screaming children and walk over to where all the adults have gone.

[-] pixxelkick@lemmy.world 127 points 11 months ago

I think the key here is the fact there were 2 people who approached Colie. That substantially shifts the power balance. Its one thing when its 1 on 1 alone and the other person isn't directly harming you yet, but acting threatening.

When you add a second person who is also engaging in your personal space though, the balance shifts and I think thats what completely justifies a preventative self defence, because when it comes to 2 on 1 you're margin of safety thins dramatically.

To be specific:

If a single person is threatening you, then abruptly shifts to try and attack you, you have a fairly decent window of safety. You can turn and flee, you can push them away, etc etc. You're ability to defend yourself after attacked is still quite reasonable.

If two people are threatening though, those options shrink down a lot. The second person can block off your escape, they can both grab you, etc. Once any of that happens you're ability to defend yourself after attacked is very very unlikely.

So when its 2 on 1, you are a lot more justified to just shoot the person before they actually attack you, because you likely won't get the chance to shoot them anyways after they attack.

In other words, if Cook hadn't brought a friend along I think the outcome would have been very very different.


Im looking for some form of self hosted application, ideally dockerized(able), that can connect to and manage an existing database (Im not picky on the DB type, Postgres prolly best though).

However Id like if it manages it via a nice well designed ERD. The closest I have found so far is PgAdmin but unfortunately it's ERD leaves a lot to be desired. It's kinda clunky, and it cant "diff" against your existing database to produce a migration script, all it can do is produce a script that expects you to totally drop the existing DB and re-apply the schema from scratch.

Something like Luna/Moon would be cool, but every example I look up seems to be an application you install locally on your machine and interact with directly, as opposed to a web interface.

If you know of such a tool let me know!

[-] pixxelkick@lemmy.world 112 points 1 year ago

showing that Boebert and her date were getting awfully comfortable with each other during the show.

The fuck is with all these news articles and just glazing over the most egregious acts?

She wasnt getting "awfully comfortable" she was fuckin jerking the dude off and getting her tits pulled out and fondled in a public space where children were present.

Stop sugar coating it. She should be put in a jail cell or out on bond right now. Countless grown adults have been permanently marked as a sexual predator for life for much less than that.

Why the fuck is she not out on bond right now, or in a cell? It was caught live on camera???

[-] pixxelkick@lemmy.world 123 points 1 year ago

The Colorado Republican, along with a male companion, was escorted out of a Denver theater last week for vaping, singing and “causing a disturbance” during a performance of “Beetlejuice.” The incident was first reported by The Denver Post.

So just... not gonna mention having her tits out being fondled, and jerking a dude off in public around children then, captured live on security cameras...?

Huh. Weird how that just... didnt get mentioned...

[-] pixxelkick@lemmy.world 211 points 1 year ago

Far too often people forget that Right to Free Speech is not your first right, and it is superseded by other human rights above it.

Your right to Free Speech only applies as long as it doesn't interfere with other people's rights to safety and freedom from prejudice, hate, harm, etc...

It's not that complicated and yet countless people always fuck something so straightforward up.

[-] pixxelkick@lemmy.world 131 points 1 year ago

Sign of a shit manager/boss, usually.

Good boss who sees this will go "oh thank God now you have your time freed up to do that thing you've been telling me we really need to get around to doing", cuz there's always at least like, 5 to 10 of those on the backlog anyways.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by pixxelkick@lemmy.world to c/syncforlemmy@lemmy.world

I just downloaded the app, its loading posts just fine from lemmy.world, but where on earth do I login?

Clicking on Profile and Submit just tell me they wont work unless I am logged in. Ideally these two CTAs should instead redirect to login if you are not logged in.

I am looking all over this interface and I am either totally blind or completely unable to find the login option, is it buried somewhere or am I crazy?

Edit: Nevermind found it, top of the burger menu, I think maybe the UX of that button could be made a bit more visual, it at first glance with the icon looked like just a title.

Perhaps add a big green + symbol on it so it pops more for adding your account? The dull blue and lemmy icon aren't what I normally would associate typically with a login button, so it totally didn't pop out at me. Legit took me a solid 5+ minutes to notice it D:


Right now there seems to be a bit of an issue where if I want to share a link to a lemmy post with a friend, but if we call different servers our "home", even though both of our "homes" have a roughly similar copy of the same post, there currently is no easy way that I perceive for us to navigate to "our" copy of that post.

This becomes further of an issue when it comes to search engine parsing. For example I use lemmy.world as my "home" server, however when I find information on google it may link to the fedia.io or whatever "sources" link.

For reading this is no big deal.

But if I want to respond to the post, I now need to somehow figure out a way to re-route to the lemmy.world copy of that post to make my submission with my user account.

I think ideally what we need to consider is perhaps one of the following:

A: a browser plugin that can automatically detect and redirect to the matching version of the post for your server

B: OAuth support, so I can OAuth login to any lemmy server with my credentials from my "home" server via an OAuth v2 token

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