[https://www.reddit.com/r/rockbox/comments/a8s22u/ipod_5th_gen_rockbox_skipping_to_next_track_after/](File transfer in iPodOS Disk mode avoids file corruption)
New to rockbox. How can I check?
I will play around with different metadata. I have all album art embedded but only some albums show issues, which is why I suspect the resolution. Will keep you informed.
Not "America', USA only 😄
„Entschuldigung, aber wieso bist du noch verpackt?“
Sieht nach Telekom aus, fühlt sich wie „Die Partei“ an.
DNS-based blocking more complete for your whole network, independent of the device settings for tech-avers users/kids. DNS-based blocking is less flexible for all users in the network - especially when you need to make exceptions for certain sites. They are also limited to your home network, unless you have a VPN server. Therefore, for mobile devices app-based blocking is the main way to go. Consequently, both make sense and your use case is relevant.
Wieso liegen hier denn Strohbeeren?
Das verdient eine weitere Schnapspraline. Vielleicht sogar zwei.
Separate songs, sorted into separate folders by albums. No other files, as all metadata is embedded in the files.