I think you're genuinely thinking about solutions, but, your knowledge base needs working on.
"fertilizer and pesticides, which honestly don’t matter climate wise"
They honestly do matter very much!
The "climate" isn't some abstract phenomenon that exists outside of the planet's ecosystems. Insects are fundamental components of an ecosystem. Insecticides kill insects!
Overuse of fertilizer, both organic and synthetic, runs of the land into rivers and oceans (i.e., more pollution)
@riodoro1 @blanketswithsmallpox @climate
They do fabricate a lot of BS to deflect the attention away from the problem. Burning fuel!
Reduction via energy efficiency & switching over to electricity, via wind, solar, water (wave, tidal, hydro) & thermal is right direction of travel. So yea, electric public transport, instead of private cars, generally does the same task, with far less resources (inc. power demands)