Had to go somewhere yesterday so couldn't post it on time, but better late than never.

Playing Greedfall on PS5.

I mentioned weak combat last week, but I have gotten used to it now. My companions keep dying though, they kill a few but often end up dead, specially my tank. But with some upgrades, I can just dodge around and keep attacking with my magic missile, so not too bad.

One good thing about the game is, when you are switching from one region to next, you end up in a campsite (which work as a hidden loading screen), allowing you to update equipment of all your companions (even the one not in party), put away anything good, and sell everything else. Means you don't have to worry about not getting over-encumbered before you reach another town.

Finished Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All. That last episode was something else. Probably the strongest one in the series yet. It was also great to see the character progression. Still have one game left in the trilogy, but will play it later.

Played and finished Raging Justice. A side scroller brawler. I liked the art style, though the moving animation is bit weird, but nothing too bad. It was a fun game, though a bit difficult at times, as you get tons of enemies at once. Had to use 3-4 continues, but finished the game. You can replay using different characters or play the "Brawl" mode, which is basically an Arcade mode where enemies keep coming in waves. This was released before the current resurgence of brawlers like Street of Rage 4 or TMNT: Shredder's Revenge, and frankly isn't as good as those, but if you have already played those and want to try another side-scroller, it's a pretty good one.

Played and finished Ape Out. Like Raging Justice this has been on my wishlist for quite a while, so just picked it up. It's a bit like Hotline Miami, but you are an ape, so you can't use weapons. You can only attack, or hold the people as shield. The visuals are really gerat, very minimal but very impactful. Trailers don't do justice to the game. Same goes with the sound, it's Jazz-ish, I think. Highly recommended to every one to at least try the demo.

Currently playing Earthlock. It's a JRPG, but with modern visuals. I have only played it a little bit yet, so can't say much about it. The games has a demo that carry overs the save, so if you want, you can check it out.

With all those games, didn't get much time for Trails in the Sky: Second Chapter , but I think I am very close to end of the first chapter. It's nice to see meet the people from first game, and visit those locations again. But not much to say about this either. Will try to focus on this one this week. Though I do want to finish my current Switch game (Earthlock) before the release of Zelda. So let's see.

What about all of you? What have you been playing?

[-] slimerancher@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago

I think rumours about them being magnetic stem from the patent they filed a few years ago. Bigger could mean more ergonomic, so that could be good.


Coming Q4 2024

[-] slimerancher@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

Oooh, nice! Witcher 3 is pretty good, and your setup sounds pretty nice. Do play both the expansions as well, after finishing the game.

[-] slimerancher@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

Thanks for the info!

[-] slimerancher@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

Ahan, thanks for the info!

[-] slimerancher@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

Has anyone here played Astroneer? Is there any campaign for it, or just do whatever you want?

[-] slimerancher@lemmy.world 5 points 4 days ago

Patientgamers FTW!

[-] slimerancher@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

There is also WitchSpring3 [Re:Fine] - The Story of Eirudy available on Switch (released on August 2021). Found out about it cause WitchSpring R looked interesting and looked up more info about it. Though, according to reviews, WitchSpring R is better in every aspect.


Launching March 21

[-] slimerancher@lemmy.world 2 points 5 days ago

Na, the community here is pretty good. There might be some people here and there, but in general, we have a nice bunch of people here, so don't worry.


Stephan Bole has been replaced by Luciano Pereña, who is now the company’s CEO, president and chairman

Nintendo of Europe president steps down after six years

The president of Nintendo of Europe has stepped down, after more than 35 years working with the company.

Stephan Bole joined Nintendo in 1993, where he was the marketing director for the company’s French arm.

When Satoru Shibata stepped down from the role of Nintendo of Europe president in 2018, Bole replaced him.

Now, six years later, Bole has stepped down, and will now be replaced by Luciano Pereña, who will serve as the CEO, president and chairman of the management board at NoE.

Pereña has been at Nintendo since February 1994, and most recently served as Nintendo of Europe’s CFO.

Laurent Fischer, who was managing director at NoE between 2006-2015 and became chief marketing officer in 2018, will be the company’s COO.

Tom Enoki, who joined Nintendo of Europe’s senior management team in 2022, has become the senior managing director for the corporate planning office.

“On behalf of the entire company, I extend my sincere thanks to Stephan Bole for his outstanding leadership and many years dedicated to Nintendo,” Pereña said in a statement.

“I am honoured to continue Nintendo’s purpose of putting smiles on faces, and I am confident that this leadership group and united European team will allow us to build on our company’s legacy of delivering unique experiences.”

Nintendo says it recently completed the reorganisation of all its European entities into a single organistion, Nintendo of Europe SE, and notes that all local offices will remain open.


Launching January 30th


Launching October 17th

[-] slimerancher@lemmy.world 2 points 5 days ago

You went o full defensive mode! 😀

Well, it makes sense. It matters a lot when you play the game. Playing something when it's new and breaking new ground, compared to playing it much later when other games have not only copied that, but improved upon it. At least you ended up enjoying it.

[-] slimerancher@lemmy.world 2 points 5 days ago

I liked the look of Mario Bros. U Deluxe (probably because it was my first game with such look), but I got stuck somewhere in the middle, needing to find a secret passage.

Good luck with the moons! I tried to do as many as could while playing the levels, but didn't feel like going back after finishing the game.


Finished Borderlands 3. Still have quite a few side quests left, but have played it enough. Was thinking about Platinum previously, but don't want to play 20-30 more hours just for trophies. Maybe if it had a really good narrative, which it doesn't.

Started Greedfall. It's a AA-ish RPG by Spider. The world building is interesting, and story and quests aren't bad. There are different factions and how you do the quest you can improve or worsen your relations with them. You can use stealth, or direct combat, or even talk your way through them.

Where I am currently, I haven't gotten any quest that will improve my relation with faction at the cost of worsening it with another (though there were ones where I could choose different faction, and improve my relation with them), but I am still very early in the game.

The weakest part is the combat. You have 3 classes, and you can select upto 2 companions, all of who are of different factions and different classes. The combat itself isn't that great though. While it is serviceable it would've been pretty much unacceptable if it was released today. Have played some 5-6 hours yet, so things may open up a more.

Reached Episode 4 of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All.

Episode 3/4 spoilerIt was really cool to see Edgeworth again. I mean I knew he wasn't dead because there are games released after this one that has him, but still it was nice to see him again.

Didn't get to play Trails in the Sky: Second Chapter last week, but will give it some time this one. On a related note, really excited about the remake! Still going to finish it, but going to play the remake too. Probably not at launch, but soon-ish.

What about all of you? What have you been playing?

[-] slimerancher@lemmy.world 67 points 2 weeks ago

I think we should just forget the game exists. One day they will announce it, but until them, let's just assume there is no Silksong, and Team Cherry is just taking a long long vacation.

[-] slimerancher@lemmy.world 75 points 3 months ago

Just told my kid about it, and his face broke into a huge grin. I guess that's the target audience.

Though, Netflix has generally been pretty good with their animated shows, so won't mind taking a look at what they do with Minecraft myself.

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