Of course. No way they are going to poison themselves without poisoning everyone else around them alongside.
Wise Mac users move to Antarctica to prolong the life of the badly cooled devices.
No problem.
I got these baddies
I have a feeling B wanted to use Signal, but expected it to be difficult to make others shift. When OP gave the opportunity, B came in and swyped it right away,
My bicycle also fits in a lane. And I can cover its width with a single arm.
I actually considered a non-governmental, community regulated currency as a pretty good idea.
Problem is, crypto is too ecologically expensive and wasteful to fit the bill.
While there were some interesting ones, that actually used the processing power for something useful, most are not. So for now, I'll just go with governmental currencies.
The reason is tradition.
Because they got money in turn for publishing and distributing the books in the past, now they want to continue getting exorbitant fees even though they are not providing any real value any-more.
Shakes hand in FOSS and reusing disconnected cables to create neighbourhood LAN.
All we need is a single universal Space-Time map that will tell the time (in any and all formats) at any point in space, taking into consideration, all the events caused by all the forces that cause existence, from the start of this universe. Then it can take the place of both, maps and clocks.
Just make sure it is memory safe. Oh and properly escape all queries. And also ...
That should last us until we start exploring the space outside the universe.
It's kinda fun to think of programming as magic.
And "libraries" as grimoires/tomes .
It's surprising how far you can go with the analogy.
Sure, go ahead and blame the tool.
Then blame the science.
Then blame the scientists who developed it.
Blame everything but the thief.
Then blame free will for all crime in the world and all wars waged.
Should've Open Sourced the CENC. Now they pay the price.
Everyone* saw it coming.