Forced to accept all cookies on gadgethacks
This is a community for designs specifically crafted to make the experience worse for the user. This can be due to greed, apathy, laziness or just downright scumbaggery.
This violates European GDPR. Maybe report it to a data protection authority if Gadget Hacks operates in the European Union.
I couldn't even call the About Us page without consenting to all cookies, so I don't know where they are located.
Anyway, I do not bother. It's a crap site for what I can see.
I loaded it up in Firefox Focus so I could accept cookies without it mattering (but it didn't ask for some reason)
Anyway the About page has nothing. But the Terms, and Privacy pages redirect to a company called TechnologyAdvice that this seems be a subsidiary of, and that one is in Nashville, Tennessee, USA.