What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? December 10
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I liked Hail Mary more than Artemis, but I loved them both.
Why do you think Hail Mary was awful?
I have a difficult time believing that they didn’t have enough backup plans to the point that they had to send a school teacher to save the world. I also couldn’t believe that someone with a doctorate would be teaching junior high (we don’t pay teachers enough in the US). I also didn’t care for the story stopping every few pages so that the author could do a math proof to pretend that the protagonist was some kind of genius (who just so happens to have the skills to reprogram a rocket ship trajectory???). And the endless “something else went wrong only I can fix!” every fifty pages got really tired. Oh and whatever you do, don’t send any of the probes back to earth until the last minute. Because instead of keeping Earth informed and updated as you learn things that might save them, you’re going to need all those probes for a plot point later.
Artemis was fun, but had a lousy ending. It’ll make a good tv series some day if they change up that part of the story.
Heh, interesting points.