"I tell my daughters, 'Well, if rape is inevitable, you should just lie back and enjoy it,'" Regan joked on a Facebook livestream.
"That was a shameful comment," said Amber Harris, a Republican strategist, of Regan's rape remarks. The livestream's host, Adam de Angeli, told WXMI that Regan "misspoke," adding, "Maybe not the best analogy, but he was speaking extemporaneously."
That’s exactly it. When not given carefully prepared speaking points, the right says exactly what they really mean and what they really feel, which in this case is “rape is going to happen to women and they should ‘just enjoy it.’” They want a society like that.
That’s exactly it. When not given carefully prepared speaking points, the right says exactly what they really mean and what they really feel, which in this case is “rape is going to happen to women and they should ‘just enjoy it.’” They want a society like that.
Fuck that piece of trash
That's why I feel very happy to send rapist to prison. I'm sure they will very much enjoy it.