Religious people literally worship suffering,
Specifically, Christians. There are plenty of religions that have no problem with abortion (and are against suffering).
Yes, I suppose I should have been specific...
Even Christian values allow for the taking of a life to save another, i.e. self defense. A 10 year old can arguably get an abortion and not violate Christianity. Most abortions aren't 10 year olds, either, and a straw man argument helps no one.
The average c/WTF enjoyer
Specifically, Christians. There are plenty of religions that have no problem with abortion (and are against suffering).
Yes, I suppose I should have been specific...
Even Christian values allow for the taking of a life to save another, i.e. self defense. A 10 year old can arguably get an abortion and not violate Christianity. Most abortions aren't 10 year olds, either, and a straw man argument helps no one.