this post was submitted on 31 Dec 2024
188 points (85.3% liked)
Ye Power Trippin' Bastards
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This is a community in the spirit of "Am I The Asshole" where people can post their own bans from lemmy or reddit or whatever and get some feedback from others whether the ban was justified or not.
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- You can post about power trippin' in any social media, not just lemmy. Feel free to post about reddit or a forum etc.
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- PTB - Power-Tripping Bastard: The commenter agrees with you this was a PTB mod.
- YDI - You Deserved It: The commenter thinks you deserved that mod action.
- BPR - Bait-Provoked Reaction: That mod probably overreacted in charged situation, or due to being baited.
- CLM - Clueless mod: The mod probably just doesn't understand how their software works.
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So the premise for you saying they won't pay themselves off was that they'd go bad first which in the age of planned obsolescence is a fair assumption. However people have given you, granted anecdotal, evidence that their panels are still almost as effective after 10-20 years (don't remember the exact numbers). People have also shown you that the manufacturers give a 20 year efficiency guarantee so buying at a manufacturer that is existing long enough that you can assume they will still be there in 6 years should be safe because if they're not as efficient you get your investment back.
So presented with counter evidence you chose to instead double down, grasping at Chinese companies called something a bottom would say when given attention by an attractive top. You threw around big oil somehow preventing them from paying off in the long run.
That, I think, is frankly rude, very counter productive to an actual discussion, and probably stemming from a lot of frustration about how the consumer is always carrying the burden of doing something against climate change when like ten thousand of us get offset in our efforts by like 50 mid millionaires or 1 billionaire (numbers completely pulled out of my ass but you get what I mean).
That frustration is completely fair but it's not what you communicated. I honestly think, that while I wish for more Luigis, we little people also have to do our part. It doesn't help to get rid of all the billionaires when we still consume as much beef and drive on gas. Getting rid of billionaires is a step necessary to educate people on better ways to consume because they counteract education with populistic propaganda which honestly doesn't look very dissimilar to what you did.