Twitter's filters for anybody out of the loop
People tweeting stuff. We allow tweets from anyone.
IOs application? -> App
VLC mediaplayer? -> App
Console videogame? -> App
Website? -> App
Calculator function on a smartwatch? -> App
The fully hardware-based light sensor that closes the blinds? -> App
My cat running to the bowl when I put new food in? -> Soon to be an App
Potato skins loaded with cheese and bacon? -> App
Trying to download .... stupid slow bandwidth! D'oh!
You wouldn’t download a cat!
You don't need to download a cat. They distribute themselves very well. It's a feature. Try walking around with psspsspss coming out of your mouth and fancy snacks in your pockets and see what happens.
Cat downloads human in this case.
Your cat might see you as an app already!
There's an App for that!