From what I’ve seen, a lot of the toxicity is trickling down from the powermods. Same issue migrated from Reddit.
Mods will always be a problem.
I’ve yet to encounter a well adjusted human who voluntarily mods.
Maybe we need a draft.
My preference is for completely community moderated platform.
People essentially vote for content moderation. Likely susceptible to gamification but I’m still interested in seeing it in practice.
Considering the use of downvote bots already, I don’t see that working any better. But then I don’t have any better ideas.
I just think it's neat.
From what I’ve seen, a lot of the toxicity is trickling down from the powermods. Same issue migrated from Reddit.
Mods will always be a problem.
I’ve yet to encounter a well adjusted human who voluntarily mods.
Maybe we need a draft.
My preference is for completely community moderated platform.
People essentially vote for content moderation. Likely susceptible to gamification but I’m still interested in seeing it in practice.
Considering the use of downvote bots already, I don’t see that working any better. But then I don’t have any better ideas.
I just think it's neat.