A community for sharing relatable real-life situations depicted in anime.
All post titles must be "anime_irl".
All posts must be an image, gif, or video of relatable situations depicted in anime.
No sexually explicit images (i.e. full nudity). Lewd/ecchi must be tagged as NSFW.
All posts and comments must abide by the AniSocial Content Policy.
(If you would like to moderate this community, please send a message to the admin.)
Basically, whenever you see a column of four panels like this, just read it top to bottom, right to left. This is a standard form within manga called a 4-koma. There are whole series written exclusively in this style though they tend not to be as popular outside Japan. One of the more recently popular is Tomo-chan Is a Girl!
Thank you. I had not seen this layout prior. (Plus the Japanese in English thing.)