Made my first parametric model in freecad!
Your own 3D parametric modeler.
FreeCAD is an open-source parametric 3D modeler made primarily to design real-life objects of any size. Parametric modeling allows you to easily modify your design by going back into your model history and changing its parameters.
In cases where you can know ahead of time your part is going to have a lot of repeated dimensions, i.e. it is symmetrical in one or more axes, or you know all the screw holes are going to be X diameter, or whatever, abuse the hell out of the equality constraint. That's what I do.
Select a bunch of lines and hit E. Now all those lines will always be the same length. Constrain just one of them to whatever length you need; all of them automatically follow suit.
Select a bunch of circles and hit E. Now all those holes will always be the same diameter. Constrain one, you get the idea.
This makes the task of, "Oh crap, I changed one tiny parameter and now I need to find it and change it again 3/7/15/etc. more times" evaporate instantly.