Uh... So, hum, thank you comrade Donald ?
News from within the empire - From a leftist perspective
Fuck Starmer
Don't disagree with you hugely on most points, but you can always go further, and Trump has given every indication he plans to do that. Can't compare weapon sales between administrations devoid of the context should be your first hint of bias.
Biden was a zionist at heart, but Kamala would've had internal polling to tell her to stay the course, she wasn't brazenly immune from public pressure which would've provided at least had some safeguards. The mask-off wildcard is never gonna be the better option.
Ofc, tovarshi
Elaborate? CBS and PBS are American news sites that I don't know of any bias.
Devoid of the context? Is this the part where you tell me about the ~~genocide~~ war on Gaza?
Really? Ofc, I should prolly be swallowing my regrets on the mask-off wildcard, but just a side note: Kamala doesn't have that sort of internal polling, let alone the ability to read da room
She answers like one of those UKKK politicians that tries to dodge the TERF issue.
The context where Oct 7 happened so of course there'd be more weapon sales than the previous period. You don't know what Trump would've done in that situation, but if you think it's not sell a bunch of weapons to Israel I've got a bridge to sell you.
This is why they call you liberal zionist, huh
Again, I've recognized you not as a Starmerite, but you insist on calling me a Trumpite dumbass (ah well, like you ppl might say, dinnae cannae fash yersel that)
You know, when Oct. 7 hit, I thought a few thousand like 5,000 Gazans (fighter or civilian) would just die, maybe just 10,000.
But instead of leaving it like an 2021 clash, which would be still lopsided in Israel's backside, Biden essentially backed an East Timor-sized genocide
And if you're wondering why it hasn't went higher than 40,000+, according to the Gazan Health Ministry, you can't record when your demographics and infrastructure are being saturation-bombed
If Biden didn't want to lose, he should've HEAVILY pressured Israel, like Reagan, mid war in late 2023, if not early 2024,
At this point, hypothesize whatever you want (like, idk, getting fucked by Starmer), and Idc for the irony of the quote I'm gonna copy and paste (I suppose you'll indicate I'm anti-semitic, due to me being anti-zionist)
End of story.
You only thought a few thouand would die? No I thought hundreds of thousands. I didn't know there was an estimate outside the 40k figure so thanks for confirming. This would've happened whether it was Biden in or any of the recent previous presidents.
I didn't call you a Trump supporter at any point, you have repeatedly claimed I support Starmer despite the start of this conversation where I defined my political leanings.
I am anti-zionist, your quote doesn't make sense. My reasons are perfectly rational. I don't fall silent or bend the knee.
Every day Trump's actions will show what I've said is true.