Found a place that 3d prints in steel
Let's Play a Game! A place to discuss all things board game, regardless of genre. Everything from Scrabble and Catan to Ark Nova, 1830 and beyond is fair game! That means we have blackjack. Bring your own hookers, sorry.
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Jeez. Is that a conscious choice to not heat your home? Also, those are really pretty dice :)
Central heating (and insulation) is not common here. And cold weather rarely lasts longer than two weeks. We make do with small space heaters at need and I've got the space heater I'm using under my desk right now, keeping my legs nice and toasty. But the thick wooden desk is insulating quite well from the heat source, sadly.
Mostly insulation, then. My space heater is also below my desk, but keeps the entire room toasty warm.
How many sets are you carrying around all the time? 😂
Usually only the one, but if I'm going to run a game I'll bring several sets because there's always someone (possibly more than one) who doesn't have one.
And yes, there's no insulation anywhere here. The walls are mostly concrete (with plaster, etc. over top, natch) and when cold weather hits actively start to radiate cold. (I know, I know, technically they're sucking heat out, but it FEELS radiative!). All the windows are single-glaze and they're not particularly well-sealed either, so drafts are common.
Oof. Which country is this? I'll make a note never to visit in winter XD
Central China. Wuhan to be specific. If you're going to visit, go to the south. It's pleasantly warm in winter. Or bundle up and go north. They heat their homes in the north. It's the poor suckers near the Yangtze that get screwed.
Wouldn't the water pipes freeze?
The pipes tend to be insulated, the temperatures don't really get very low (coldest I've ever seen is -10° and that was for a couple of hours), and that's at night, and the cold "season" is very short. It takes time to freeze pipes, and here it just doesn't get cold enough to do that.