My grandpa's open air basement toilet had a brick on the lid to keep rats from getting in. The rare times I had to use it I was always so scared of a rat showing up and half the time I couldn't even go because of it
To keep rats from entering the house via sewer lines or to keep rats from climbing in the toilet and drowning? I really need to know more about this open air basement
Keep them from entering the house from the sewer. That's what I was always told at any rate; the house and town were old enough it seems plausible. The house's driveway side door opened to the kitchen and on the right was a wood staircase. Right near the base of the staircase barely out of direct sight when entering the side door is where the toilet was just hanging out near a support beam not even against a wall. There wasn't a sink down there you had to go back up the stairs to the kitchen to wash your hands.
those random toilets are real and absolutely wild to see if you're not from the midwest
My grandpa's open air basement toilet had a brick on the lid to keep rats from getting in. The rare times I had to use it I was always so scared of a rat showing up and half the time I couldn't even go because of it
this is me but spiders
To keep rats from entering the house via sewer lines or to keep rats from climbing in the toilet and drowning? I really need to know more about this open air basement
Keep them from entering the house from the sewer. That's what I was always told at any rate; the house and town were old enough it seems plausible. The house's driveway side door opened to the kitchen and on the right was a wood staircase. Right near the base of the staircase barely out of direct sight when entering the side door is where the toilet was just hanging out near a support beam not even against a wall. There wasn't a sink down there you had to go back up the stairs to the kitchen to wash your hands.
Maybe those basements are tornado shelters. Than you need a toilet at some point.