Madison on why she quit
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~~LTT/LMG community. Brought to you by ******... Actually, no, not this time. This time it's brought to you by Lemmy, the open communities and free and open source software!~~
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Ok I will wait couple of days to see how it continues, but I will most likely unsubscibe from all their channels and stop watching them completely. Which will not be hard. For real reviews I watch Hardware Unboxed and Gamer Nexus. LTT was on my watch list for some funy/interesting video here and there. And even those I watched less and less.
Thanks for the recs. I've obviously seen GN for their recent videos but yeah. I would consider myself tech savvy, but watching LTT, they never make things approachable to the average person, I've always been confused about like all the stats they say and stuff. Will look into those youtubers.
If you found ltt confusing you're going to have a bad time with gamers nexus