GamersNexus responds to Linus Sebastian's WAN Show segment
A community for PC Master Race.
LTT is a shitheel, repeatedly.
LTT gets called out for being a shitheel by different people.
LTT Cries about being a victim of the big mean critics, specifically targeting GN (despite other critics)
LTT fans get big mad at GN for criticizing dear leader, while completely ignoring every other critic (Just like LTT wanted)
LTT successfully, amongst his cultists, frame it as "GN Big Mean at LTT, y u no be fren?" in desperate attempt to make someone other than LTT look like the bad guy.. and fails.
Living up to your name... Could only be more accurate if you were TechJesusCultist. Everyone involved here are socially inept, self absorbed, wannabe journalists and not a single party here have a good track record for ethical journalism historically. Anyone here for journalistic integrity is barking up the wrong tree. They should both shut the fuck up and go back to making their money and getting free tech products for the reviews they put out and stop with this YouTube drama bullshit.