The Last of Us totally blew me away
A gaming community free from the hype and oversaturation of current releases, catering to gamers who wait at least 12 months after release to play a game. Whether it's price, waiting for bugs/issues to be patched, DLC to be released, don't meet the system requirements, or just haven't had the time to keep up with the latest releases.
TLOU has some of the most satisfying gameplay I have ever experienced. I have to wait a while between playthroughs, because it's almost like playing a movie. But it's so much more than a walking sim. The stealth segments kept me incredibly engaged, and looting for craftable materials is addictive in that game. I got to play the DLC, Left Behind, for the first time recently as well, and it was spectacular.
As far as linear, story-based games go, it's among the best.