Frustrated Democrats near their Tea Party moment: 'This is not okay'
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This is a place where I post interesting things that I find and cant categorize into one of the main subs I follow. Enjoy a front seat as i descend into madness
"Lack of urgency" - I mean, they control zero houses of congress or branches of government, so what exactly is expected from them? I actually think it would be a mistake to blow their load by raising the alarm too early. You can't make every single thing trump does require an urgent response. He's gonna do worse. Pick your battles.
Not that I don't think the Dems haven't had massive problems of leadership, but most of it seems to come down to "leftists, progressives, and liberals all kind of hate each other but they all need to vote the same way to keep Republicans out of power." Coalition parties are hard and forming a new viable party is nearly impossible. Or at least I think so, prove me wrong.
Throw every legal curveball. Slow or stop the machine. Arrange demonstrations and organization.
Mostly all I’ve seen so far is dems using this crisis to fundraise. It’s gross.