It was great until my thumb slipped and I accidentally launched my telescope into the air at Mach 8.
Stupid question… are these RPMs true??
Maybe I'm dense but shouldn't the clock be:
Yep, I'm a dumb, realized after a cup of coffee. Confirmed by the reply below.
I think I'm just going to go back to bed and skip today
Yes, you're dense lol. The speeds are correct: the second hand that does one full Revolution Per Minute, the minute hand does one full Revolution Per Hour and the hour hand does one Revolution Per 12 Hours.
Everything in XKCD is based on truth. That's what makes it so funny... to geeks, at least.
Edit: God damn it, he put 72 instead of 78 RPM. I guess he does make mistakes after all...
He's made typos a few times in the past too:
He also put 33 instead of 33 and ⅓. Get the pitchforks!
Just a random thought, I always knew that 33 multiplied by 3 is 99 and 33 1/3 multiplied by 3 is 100, but I never considered that 33 is 99% of 33 1/3.
A community for a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.
Stupid question… are these RPMs true??
Maybe I'm dense but shouldn't the clock be:
Yep, I'm a dumb, realized after a cup of coffee. Confirmed by the reply below.
I think I'm just going to go back to bed and skip today
Yes, you're dense lol. The speeds are correct: the second hand that does one full Revolution Per Minute, the minute hand does one full Revolution Per Hour and the hour hand does one Revolution Per 12 Hours.
Everything in XKCD is based on truth. That's what makes it so funny... to geeks, at least.
Edit: God damn it, he put 72 instead of 78 RPM. I guess he does make mistakes after all...
He's made typos a few times in the past too:
He also put 33 instead of 33 and ⅓. Get the pitchforks!
Just a random thought, I always knew that 33 multiplied by 3 is 99 and 33 1/3 multiplied by 3 is 100, but I never considered that 33 is 99% of 33 1/3.