Just found this place, I dig it! I do gamedev on my Steam Deck, and I'm also a systems engineer. I have a repository of all sorts of Arch based things for pirates that are somewhat specific to Steam Deck ('cause Valve does some weird shit in the name of convenience, but I get it, people don't buy this machine to be a laptop like I did).
Any who, now that I've found this place I may put together more of my scripts into an easier to digest format and throw it up on Codeberg or something.
For now, I'll point you all towards a tool that I found on GitHub. I have a fork that I wrapped with a bash script to make life easier when it comes to grabbing FitGirl repacks. I've made a Pull Request to get it merged into the original repository, but my fork will probably be kept up to date more frequently (I don't know the original maintainer).
My Fork: https://github.com/madamegaymes/Fucking-Fast-Multi-Downloader
Original tool: https://github.com/JOY6IX9INE/Fucking-Fast-Multi-Downloader
My PR: https://github.com/JOY6IX9INE/Fucking-Fast-Multi-Downloader/pull/2
What does the tool do?
- You give it a FitGirl game URL (or several URLs)
- It scrapes all the fuckingfast direct download links
- Passes all that to python to download each part automatically
It probably isn't bug-free, I made these tweaks for myself and just today decided to try to get it merged into the original tool. I have ideas on how to make the tool much, much easier to use, so feel free to let me know if you run into issues!
The README should have the details, but I can add more if something is not clear. I'm not sure what the average level of tech savvy is in this community yet.
When you install any proton using ProtonUp-QT, they should be available in Lutris. I just tried it, and you can set Steam under
Install For
, Add Version, and GE-Proton-9.16 should be in the list.Once downloaded, go back to Lutris and configure the game's
Runner Options
, you should now be able to select the Proton you just downloaded.Nothing wrong with that, you just have extra wine tools available to you now for this kind of troubleshooting. If you add the game to Steam from within Lutris, then it will use the Lutris runtime to launch the game, which will just run the game however you have it setup in Lutris.
You can also just add the game's EXE directly to steam, then force the compatibility to the desired Proton (right-click game, modify, Compatibility tab). Steam will create a new prefix in its own way and try to run the game in whatever Proton you chose, ignoring any settings you have configured in Lutris.
This is why I suggest creating a generic prefix only for the FitGirl installers, meant only to decompress. Then let Steam setup your prefixes for your games. I like this method because it limits the things I have in Lutris, and all my game prefixes end up under the
folder for Steam with similar IDs to legit games. Looking like I should put together a more detailed guide for this!From your edit, though, it seems like you got it up and running? If so, then you don't really need to change anything about how you have it setup unless you just really want to. At the end of the day, wine is wine, and as long as you have the right version running you're good to go, doesn't matter what app triggers it.
Actually, no -- I didn't get it running. I got further! The installer does come up, and I can select paths for installation, but I got a bunch of errors when I tried to run it.
I went back to ProtonUP-QT and you are right if I use Steam for
Install For
I can pick GE-Proton-9.16. I did that. I then went and changed the game'sRunner Options
to that Proton that I downloaded. But then when I go to do "Run EXE inside Wine prefix" it still hangs, and I see in the console "Wine prefix creation is taking longer than expected..." and it never goes anywhere.I checked that my user (deck:deck) has privileges to write to /home/lutrisprefixes/Cyberpunk and it does... but it seems like Lutris gets hung up on creating the wineprefix?
Hmmm. I have actually encountered that before with Lutris and creating prefixes, I'm trying to remember how I rectified it. It may have something to do with Flatpak sandboxing, but I don't see any settings that I have manually changed for Lutris.
Here's my suggestion for now, until I can investigate further:
, you can sort byModified
in Dolphin to find it if you need to, but you shouldn't need to do anything with it./home/deck/Games
. This is the strategy that Steam uses for legit games, separating the prefix from the game files. Note: your home folder is usually under theZ:
drive when getting to it from within the prefix.target
to the path of the decompressed game EXE (e.g.,/home/deck/Games/Cyberpunk/Cyberpunk.exe
)start in
to the folder that contains the decompressed EXE (e.g.,/home/deck/Games/Cyberpunk
when you put them into SteamFrom there you should be able to play, assuming that steps 3+4 complete successfully. You'll just have to manually add game images, but you can follow my comment on this post for a way to do it somewhat easily.
You may also want to install ProtonTricks from Discover. This way, in the future, you can open ProtonTricks, select your Cyberpunk prefix, and then run any other FitGirl installers that way.
Sorry that Lutris ended up being weird! I would've just pointed you in this direction the first time if I had remembered the thing about the prefixes not working some times.
I had the same thought that the Flatpak sandboxing might be in play, because I found that when I tried to pick the /home/lutrisprefixes folder with the file picker, it turned it into /run/ and that path wasn't what I expected. Definitely seems some kind of permissions issue, because it seems like it is working if I use /home/deck/lutrisprefixes/Cyberpunk as my prefixdir, maybe its not a big deal that it is under /home/deck?
Nah, not a big deal at all. I have many prefixes in my home directory (and all of Steam's prefixes are created in your home directory)
I decided to try something different than the process I was following (comes from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVuabEckMMA). This time, instead of picking "Run EXE inside Wine prefix", I instead set the Executable in the Lutris "Game options" to the setup.exe and then I tried to "Play" the game. That seemed to create the prefix in the right directory, the game in Lutris started to throb, but I dont see any installer come up or anything happen after 10 minutes, and nothing running in the process list.
Tried something else.... instead of using wineprefix=/home/lutrixprefixes/Cyberpunk, instead I used /home/deck/lutrisprefixes and now the installer works. I think the flatpak maybe didn't have permissions to do anything into /home/lutrisprefixes now the install has proceeded to 3% where before it got stopped at 1.3% and then it started spitting errors. Fingers crossed...
By the way, I had the installer update DirectX and install all the Windows compat fixes, is that the right thing to do, or should I be doing that with ProtonUp-QT?
Just saw these other comments. Curious what the errors are that are appearing during install?
As far as the extras, this is exactly why I suggest running the FitGirl installers in their own prefix. I don't ever check those boxes, I like to configure each prefix seperately using ProtonTricks, after I've setup the game in Steam. I can't imagine they would mess with anything, though.
I might create a video of the whole setup process a little later on today when I have some time, specifically with Cyberpunk. It's possible there is some error or extra config that is needed for it.
Things are still proceeding with the FitGirl installer, I'm at 36.2% and no errors, so looking good so far. It will probably be another 2.5hrs before it finishes (its been 1.5hrs already).
I left those boxes checked, so we'll see what will happen once this is done.
Awesome! Usually issues arise within the first 10%. And yea... welcome to the long arduous process of installing repacks. If you've never played Cyberpunk before, it will be worth the wait I think.
It appears that I got it to work! I had some issue getting it to run properly in game mode but I found https://github.com/lutris/lutris/issues/5792 and added PROTON_VERB=waitforexitandrun to the lutris environment variables, and it works. Now I need to figure out how to fix up the controls, because some things were working a little weirdly.
Hell yea! Glad to hear it.
I've had some funny business with controllers, too. You might need to turn off Steam Input API for the built-in controller. Since it isn't a Steam Game, I think it might mess with it a little.
I have a BT controller that I use mostly, cause my Steam Deck pretty much lives in the dock, so I turned off Steam Input altogether. I had to do that any way in order to get the controller to work properly in emulators, and I bet that's why I don't see any issues in larger games like Elden Ring that I pirated.