Is Linux Ready For Mainstream Gaming In 2025?
Discussions and news about gaming on the GNU/Linux family of operating systems (including the Steam Deck). Potentially a $HOME
away from home for disgruntled /r/linux_gaming denizens of the redditarian demesne.
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Original /r/linux_gaming pengwing by uoou.
I can install and play pretty much any single player game I want, even new releases, and I am confident I will be able to play it with no significant/noticable issue... and on the offchance there is one, it will most assuredly be fixed within a couple days with a proton update.. and honestly its been like 2 years since that last happened to me.
The only time I even have to think about installing a game, and thus have to check protondb, is when I want to install an MMO or Multiplayer game...and a shocking amount of those work, too. Just not all of them, because of invasive anticheat.