Is Linux Ready For Mainstream Gaming In 2025?
Discussions and news about gaming on the GNU/Linux family of operating systems (including the Steam Deck). Potentially a $HOME
away from home for disgruntled /r/linux_gaming denizens of the redditarian demesne.
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Original /r/linux_gaming pengwing by uoou.
What? I am absolutely holding Microsoft to that standard - I quit using their operating system and switched to Linux, for god's sake. If I could use Linux for VR and delete my M$ partition, I'd do it literally right now. But I can't, because Linux doesn't support it.
And, once again, the conversation is literally about VR here - it's completely disingenuous to claim that a platform that at least 10% the market runs on is "a tiny subset".
Wow, you're right! That's never once occurred to me. Wow, what a revelation that I totally failed to recognize after over a year of running Linux on every computer in my household up until this moment on the Linux gaming community. Thank goodness a brilliant individual like you could finally break through my ignorance and make me aware of this little-known fact.
Please quote where I said that. Like, a literal, actual quote.
I've really had it with people in this thread shoving their words down my throat. Like, it's really getting old.
Here's what I said (again). Everyone reading this thread, please pay attention and actually READ this time:
"Linux has no obligation to support my headset. They don't have an obligation to support VR at all! However, when the question on the table is 'is Linux gaming ready', the answer should be 'yes, but', and one of the (quickly shrinking number of) buts that must be included is that Linux is not fully VR ready"
Is it true that Microsoft is also not fully VR ready, and that they don't even support the VR platform they themselves suckered thousands of people into? YES!!
Is Microsoft also not gaming ready, since you seem so hung up on what Microsoft does? Absolutely, and in many ways they're even less gaming ready than Linux is, imo.
But, you know who does at the very least tell people that they don't support WMR?