Is Linux Ready For Mainstream Gaming In 2025?
Discussions and news about gaming on the GNU/Linux family of operating systems (including the Steam Deck). Potentially a $HOME
away from home for disgruntled /r/linux_gaming denizens of the redditarian demesne.
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Original /r/linux_gaming pengwing by uoou.
Honestly this is already my daily experience with Windows : having to figure out why my controller doesn't work on a small selection of games when it's in wireless mode, having to install a third-party patch to run a game in an exotic definition, fix a game not launching on the right monitor even though it's set as main display, installing a mod just to bring controller support to a game that lacks it, etc etc. and I could go on all day. Personally my Windows gaming experience has been sub-par for years now, looking forward to switching (again) later this year.