I hate Verizon
The phenomenon of online platforms gradually degrading the quality of their services, often by promoting advertisements and sponsored content, in order to increase profits. (Cory Doctorow, 2022, extracted from Wikitionary) source
We discuss how predatory big tech platforms live and die by luring people in and then decaying for profit.
We also discuss how naturally open technologies like the Fediverse can be susceptible to corporate takeovers, rugpulls and subsequent enshittification.
One time, at Verizon camp, i tried to establish new service while porting two lines to two new phones. No one could figure it out. My order was cancelled and recreated several times by several people, none of it worked. And, they changed one of the phones i was purchasing without my consent. Then, they only sent one phone on the order. At the end, i sent their executive board a nasty email detailing my experience with all of the order data, encouraging them to look into it themselves. I heard from some regional executive personally, but the damage had already been done.