"Joe Biden's fault"
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This isn't about leftists. The guy is dressed like a farmer, who majority voted for Trump. Trump turned around and immediately cut subsidies that small business farmers rely on, so many are now struggling. The comic is saying that they will still blame Biden despite being screwed by Trump. This could also be viewed as shorthand for any trump voter.
In reality, we've seen many farmers now communicate that they regret voting for trump. Alittle too little too late, it seems. They aren't as dumb as the comic artist paints them in that sense, just unempathetic.
Honestly, I'd kind of like to read some serious analysis on Trump on agricultural policy. I've pointed out that farmers are politically-important in red states, but many of Trump's policies look pretty bad for farmers to me.
Tariffs don't benefit them -- the US is globally competitive agriculturally. The people who want tariffs are in labor-intensive manufacturing. Tariffs just bring up the prices farmers pay, and counter-tariffs hurt them by keeping them from competing in foreign markets. Trump did have some relief funds sent farmers impacted by Chinese tariffs in his first term to mitigate the hit they took, but I'm pretty sure that they'd rather not have their business mucked up.
Trump may not actually do as much on illegal immigration as he tries to promote in his image, but he sure doesn't help, and US agriculture depends heavily on labor from illegal immigrants.
Trump going after SNAP, subsidized food for the poor, doesn't help. My understanding was that for a long time, farmers benefited primarily from federal crop insurance subsidies, but that due to a decline in influence, they basically teamed up with advocates for the poor to get food stamp subsidies in place, and that's now the primary form of federal farm subsidy.
When I look at the NFU
the big farming industry association
website, it doesn't sound very happy with Trump:
In the US political system, strongly-red or strongly-blue areas aren't as politically important, so you don't really need to worry about pissing them off -- they're gonna tend to vote for or against you regardless. That's especially true for the President, and true for a lesser degree for legislators.
But if I'm a legislator for an area, I do care about the industries in my area, and seeing the party that mostly represents rural areas producing a lot of what looks like disadvantageous-to-farmers policy going through kind of surprises me.
This is one of the big things that I don't really feel like I have a handle on regarding Trump administration policy.
EDIT: And I also see websites commenting on Trump policy not being good for farmers, so it's not just me making some kind of huge error in assessing this.
EDIT2: One issue for some farmers has been the EPA taking issue with farm runoff -- fertilizer causing algae blooms, like in the Great Lakes. If Trump weakens regulation on that, that might be popular with farmers. Farm runoff is a very big political issue in the Netherlands, and I know that that caused enormous political waves in the past few years.
Ah. Okay, apparently yes:
So I guess that might be one selling point he has for farmers.