Help! I want to divorce ReadFn from ListFN - bypassing the Queries mutual closure behavior so I can better isolate some logic. My need is to get an independent ListFn...
fn queries_<'a>() -> Queries<
impl ReadFn<'a, PostView, (PostId, Option, bool)>,
impl ListFn<'a, PostView, PostQuery<'a>>,
> {
For sake of clarity... I'm not wanting to break the whole Queries joined closure marriage project-wide, just this one source file I want to be able to copy/paste this code twice and have just a single closure for ListFn.
Thank you.
I have, weeks ago.
I did share a link to GitHub, is that not good enough or something? Here is a screen shot for you.
Oh, this seems to be specific to the SQL framework you use after looking into it. I thought it was a general rust question about function parameters, sorry. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with that sql framework (or any other, I'm an embedded developer, not a web dev).
Hope you find someone who knows diesel, and sorry again I couldn't help you.